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It depends on the amount of blood - always wise to ask a doctor. In my opinion, seeing as how you just gave birth, you probably had hemmoroids while pg - which can be the cause of the blood in the stool.

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Q: Is it normal to have blood in your stool after you have a c-section?
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Is having blood in your stool normal if you have not had your period ever?

Blood in your stool is not normal, before or after your period, and always deserves a discussion with your health care provider. Talk with your parent or guardian about the need to make an appointment.

You had a csection 1 month ago and you have blood in your poop why is this?

talk to a doctor!!

How does your stool look losing blood?

Darker than normal. Almost black.

Is it normal to have blood in your stool as a runner?

Blood in your stool is never normal. Depending on how it presents (on the paper, in the pan, mixed in with stool/on the surface, volume, colour) the causes can vary from an anal fissure (tear in the anus), haemmorhoids/piles or more sinister causes. Please get this examined by a physician.



Had blood in stool after 3hrs of eating pizza now back to normal brown?

Eating pizza has nothing to do with blood in stool. It could be just piles but needs to be checked by your doctor.

Had a ectopic pregnancy operation but keeping getting blood in stool is that normal?

Blood in your stool is never normal. Possibly, they put a hole in your bowels when the did the surgery. Please contact your doctor right now. If you are bleeding internally, or if blood is getting into your stool, stool could be getting into your peritoneum, and into your blood stream. Even if it isn't as drastic as a perforated bowel, something is wrong within your system for there to be blood that you can see in your stool. It could be hemorrhoids or even some form of cancer. Please contact your doctor; your life may depend on it.

what do uoy do when u have blood in ur stool?

what do you do when u have blood in your stool

What does 1-3 hpf pus cell means in stool?

It is actually very normal to have some pus, or dead white blood cells, in a person's stool. This by itself is not cause for concern.

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what is the normal pH value of stool?

Can a herniated disc cause blood in the stool?

No, a herniated disc does not cause blood in the stool. See your health care provider, as blood in the stool always deserves a visit.

What does negative blood in stool test mean?

Negative blood in stool test means no blood was found in that particular smear from that particular stool sample. Good news.