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Diarrhea is a side effect if you have missed Birth Control pills or have stopped taking them for awhile.

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Q: Is it normal to have diarrhea within the first two weeks of missed period?
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Is it normal to miss your next period or have an irregular cycle after stopping taking the pill?

Yes this is normal. Your period should return to a normal cycle within 3 months.

Is it normal to be 13 and still not have your period yet?

Yes, it is well within the range of being considered normal.

I took my last pill today and came on your period is that normal?

This is normal with birth control. You will have a period anytime within the 7 days of the last pills.

Is it normal to get your period twice within the month?

yes but only if you just started like a year ago if you have had your period for more than a year than no it is not normal

Is normal to have period after week of after morning pill?

While it is not normal, it is a side effect of the MAP. Not all women experience this side effect and even if you do this time is not an indication that you will or will not the next time. It is not a normal period and you will have your regular period when it is due or within a day or two of that time.

Is it normal to not have your period at 14?

Yes, it's completely normal not to have your period at the age of 14 years old. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old but anything up to 16 years old is considered within normal range.

How soon can you do a test to see if am pregnant?

You should wait until you have missed your period before you take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you still have not gotten your period within a week, take another test.

How long does it take to be pregnant before you can find out?

Within a day or so of the first missed day of your period. OTC eary pregnancy tests are affordable and very accurate.

Does pregnancy symptoms starts within 40days?

Yes. Pregnancy symptoms start in 10 to 16 days after conception. Most women's first sign is a missed period.

What happens if you get your period the next day you miscarriage?

Normal bleed after a miscarriage is 1-2 weeks so it's not your period. You get your period back sometimes within 8 weeks from the miscarriage.

Is it normal to have viginal discharge but not your period?

Yes, it's normal to have vaginal discharge but not your period. Discharge starts as you enter puberty and continues throughout your life, typically menarche comes within four years of starting puberty.