

Best Answer Hello. Yes you could be pregnant and the brown spotting could be implantation bleeding. If it is implantation bleeding then this means the egg has only now implanted in your uterus and began releasing HCG. In this case you cant do a home pregnancy test for another 2 weeks. Alternatively see your doctor for a blood test which is highly accurate. You can do the blood test now.

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17y ago
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17y ago

Yes it's possible. See your Doctor for a blood test. Much more accurate.

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14y ago

Yes you can be, but could be experiencing a spontaneous abortion. Sometimes there is a problem and the body will abort it.

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16y ago

Go to the doctor

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Q: What are the chances of being pregnant if your period is one month late and you have bright red mucus and you feel like vomiting every morning but a home pregnancy test is negative?
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What are the chances of getting pregnancy symptoms every day of the pregnancy or are on an off pregnancy symptoms?

Sometimes it is everyday vomiting. Sometimes it is weekly.

I took a pregnancy test twice and it came out negative but i haven't had a period in 4 weeks am i pregnant?

If the pregnancy test came out negative, then chances are, you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are very acurate. You may also be missing your period because of stress or you worrying to much about he fact of being pregnant. If you are still worried about being pregnant wait another couple of weeks, and take another pregnancy test. Hope everything turns out as planned.

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Can a Pregnancy test tell im pregnant if im on your period?

If you are genuinely having a period, then the test will come out negative because you cannot be pregnant. However, some women think they are menstruating when they may be bleeding for some reason in early pregnancy. The test then could either be positive or negative depending on the condition of the baby.

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He can if he observes her to see if she's showing the early pregnancy signs: nausea and all that. Try googling "signs of pregnancy" and read what comes up. If she's doing some of them she may well be pregnant. Chances are, if she isn't vomiting and tired and eating more often, she isn't pregnant. Sometimes guys can get a gut feeling that their partners are pregnant.

Are there any chances of me being pregnant even if my home pregnancy test is negative have symptoms like quesyness drowsiness all of a sudden?

Yes sometimes home tests can give a false negative result. If you are certain you are late for you period, go to a doctor and have them preform a pregnancy test so that you know for sure whether or not you are pregnant.

How does PID affect a pregnancy?

PID decreases the chances of becoming pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy but didn't loose a tube?

You should still be able to get pregnant. If the other pregnancy was recent, then it is more likely you will be able to get pregnant because you are very fertile after a pregnancy

What are the chances of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong?

There is only a 1% change of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong. If you've taken a pregnancy test and then go in for an ultra sound to confirm the pregnancy, chances are you are definitely pregnant.

If you are trying to get pregnant and the day after ovulation you drank too much and got sick can the alcohol or vomiting affect conception chances?

This shouldn't affect your chances of conceiving. Just remember not to do this once you are pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you have pid again?

Chances of pregnancy decrease if you get another bacterial infection.

Can losing weight increase chances of pregnancy?

Your weight doesn't matter - you can get pregnant no matter what.