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I've heard that drinking 2 GALLONS of pure cranberry juice will clean your urine in as little as 24 hours. Cranberry juice is recommended for cleaning out the urinary tract. Your urine carries the drugs, and water alone won't do it. If you injected the drug it will take longer. Keep in mind the potency, consistency, and intake amount are all factors.

If someone will be testing your blood for meth, they will be able to detect it for months after you've used. If it's just urine, you may be able to pass.

However, if you are concerned with a possible drug test, use a drink like the extra STUFF or the liquid STUFF.

Detection period by urine test for methamphetamine is 3-5 days.

Stop using meth and wait.

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9y ago
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14y ago

The only drug that can be totally eliminated from your body in less than 48 hours is LSD. I'm not certain of the total half-life on methamphetamine in the human body, however I believe that using it once will have it cleared out in between 6-8 days.

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11y ago

it is possible depending on your fat weight and overall health, but it is not easy.

if you exercised heavily to the point of profusely sweating numerous times with a hour break in between sessions and right now started consuming WATER constantly to the point that you are urinating only totally clear urine every 5 to 10 minutes for at least 1 to 2 hours before your test. you could pass a urine test.

i know it works because I've done it when i was living that disease.

Best Factors of Working- low percentage of body fat, ability to excessively sweat, and over all physical health being good.

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12y ago

No you cannot. You can only attempt to dilute your sample and it will get flagged that way to. You need atleast 48 hours to even come close to passing. Then your going to have to drink a lot of water. Take crietine and vitamins to balance your ph levels and make sure your piss doesn't look like drinking water. Then it depends on of its a hot test or a lab test. You can fool the hot test most times. Atleast I have but of it a lab test your looking at atleast a minimum of 96 hours of flushing

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12y ago

Drug tests will pick it up and the residues will still show. The hair will maintain a recird of the event for a few years.

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12y ago

You don't. Any attempt to do so may show false or altered results on the test, and more sensitive tests may be used.

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15y ago

Drink a lot of water

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Q: Is it possible to flush meth out of your system in 24 hours if so how?
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No sir, you cannot. It takes 3-5 days to leave your system.

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DONT DO cant..they shouldnt of done it in the first place...that person could die and it would be nobodys fault but theirs................that how...

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Yep, so don't hang around people doing meth!

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72 hours max

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The amount of time crystal meth stays in your system depends on the amount of crystal meth consumed. It will stay in your system for a minimum of 72 hours. However, it can stay in your system for between 3 to 5 days.

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The best way to pass a test for meth is to not use the drug.

Can you flush out myth in your sythem?

Well I am going to assume you mean meth because a myth is a story and those can't technically get into your system. About the only sure fire way to get meth out of your system is to check yourself into rehab and don't take anymore for the rest of your life. Your body will get most, if not all, of it out of your system and you will be good as new again.

How can you get meth out of your system in a day?

It is not always possible to get meth out of your system in one day. It usually takes one to four days for it to get out of your system unless you are a chronic user, which would take longer.