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It MAY dpend on the level of clearance you are going to hold and your duties - and on the circumstances of the DV case. For relatively high clearanaces, and for anything requiring you to be armed with a firearm - no - you will not be cleared.

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Q: Is it possible to get a DOD security clearance with A Domestic Violence conviction?
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Can it get my domestic violence charge pardon?

Depending on the circumstances of the case it may be possible to have a domestic violence misdemeanor expunged from your record. In California a domestic violence allegation can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor.

3 domestic violence on record two were dropped charges possible conviction on 3rd one will they look at all record history in determining the charge is it going to be tougher on him this time?

Yes, they will be tougher on him this time and, yes, they will examine his entire record.

Can domestic violence be removed from record?

The expungement laws of all states vary - but as a general answer I do not believe that it is possible because such a conviction also holds ramifications under federal law as well (i.e.: possession of firearms - see: 'Lautenberg Amendment').

Can you have a domestic battery expunged in Arkansas?

It's theoretically possible to have any conviction expunged, but it doesn't happen very often. For an arrest or conviction to be expunged, the petitioner has to show the court that either a substantial legal error occurred (such as a false arrest), or that justice would be best served by "erasing" the offense. This is occasionally done after a substantial time (many years) has passed since the offense, and the accused has led an exemplary life in the interim. It isn't done just because the accused finds it inconvenient to have that conviction on his record.Added: THEORETICALLY being the keyword. While it may be possible to APPLY to expuinge this offense, I do not believe that it is possible in ANY jurisdiction to expunge a domestic violence charge.They are treated as serious criminal events. The Lautenberg amendment addresses Domestic Violence offenders in the same way as if the perpetrators were convicted felons.

My sons father has a few domestic violence cases on his record and went to jail and rehab now he wants joint custody is that possible?

Yes in some states and counties it may be possible for the father of your sons to obtain joint custody despite his past criminal record of domestic violence and rehabilitation which could also help him.

Is it possible for a christian man tha struggles with alchol and drugs to quit acting out in domestic violence?

You should get out of that relationship now. It is not worth it.

Who inspired the parliament to make a law on domestic violence?

WHICH parliament .Please make your questions as precise as possible and give all information.

What is worse assault or domestic case?

If you are talking about misdemeanors in both instances. Generally, a conviction for domestic assault will be used against you to heighten possible sentences in the future. Most states have statutes that make sentencing "enhanced" for people with prior domestic assualt convictions. For that reason, I would argue it is worse to get convicted of domestic assault.

Why did you get married in the same year as your divorce?

Possible reasons:-Domestic Violence-Extramarital Affair-Religious or Cultural Differences-Family Pressure-Met someone better

Should you report the wife of an ex-boyfriend to Child Protective Services for domestic violence and suspected child abuse?

If you are not being vindictive, and/or running the risk of filing a false report, and if you HONESTLY suspect that there is domestic violence and child abuse taking place in that relationship, you MUST report it to prevent possible tragic consequences for ALL concerned.

Male victims of spousal abuse?

It is entirely possible for a husband to be abused at the hands of his wife. This does not include just physical violence, but also psychological violence. However, some men don't report the domestic abuse because they feel embarrassed or ashamed.

Can someone with a domestic violence charge ever own a handgun?

It's possible. You can, under some circumstances, have your rights restored, but it depends on where you are. Check with a local attorney for better information.