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Yes it is possible, but not guaranteed. Try crawling on hands and knees to get the baby into the best possible position for labor as this may help. Thanks, The baby is head down and 3/5 engaged (apparantly that is good as 0/5 is pushing the baby out) so the baby is already in position. Have you heard of any cases where the mother has gone into natural onset after several inductions and where can i research/read about this?? with second and subsequent pregnancies the baby does not often engage until you go into labour. I have been looking on the net, but I don't think there is anything there you won't know already. Things work a little differently in UK where I am, midwives do membrane sweepsand I think prostin is more commonly used. I have been induced twice and had quick labours. First time at term with high blood pressure, second time twins at 36 weeks with pre-eclampsia. Try raspberry leaf tea/capsules, or nipple stimulation. (Search 'what is nipple stimulation' on here, there is a very good description. I have seen other things recommended but these are the only things I would trust, and intercourse of course. Semen contains prostaglandin. Good Luck. guess what.........had a spontaneous onset of labour two days before my due date and delivered naturally without any drugs also.........hooray!!! Thanks for all the advice xoxo

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Q: Is it possible to go into natural labor after having had two past inductions for post date pregnancies?
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