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that is a question only your doctor can answer. It would probably depend on what was used and any meds taken. I totally agree with the above poster. Usually your doctor would tell you when you are first pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant to get your teeth in shape. Carrying a baby takes a lot of calcium out of your body, thus more problems with your teeth so if they are not in the greatest shape you are going to have problems. I wouldn't think giving you laughing gas or anesthetic a good idea. I had my wisdom teeth taken out with just plain old freezing. If your wisdom teeth aren't bothering you let it go for now. If they are bothering you it would be wise if you asked your doctor to put you in the hospital to have this procedure done. Good luck

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Q: Is it safe to have wisdom teeth removed under anesthetic or laughing gas while pregnant?
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Laugh Your Way to Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed. If you do have to have your wisdom teeth removed, find a doctor that knows what they are doing and try to get them all removed at the same time. Most doctors will use laughing gas for sedation. Some doctors will put you fully to sleep to remove the wisdom teeth. Recovery is about three to four days with a soft diet.

Does wisdom teeth extraction require sedation?

Wisdom teeth extraction can, but does not always, require sedation. In some cases, local anesthetic in the gums can be used instead of general anesthesia. Full sedation is typically only required if one's wisdom teeth become impacted and need to be surgically removed.

What is the best anesthetic for wisdom teeth extraction?

Novocane or nitrous oxide.

What happens when you receive general anesthetic during wisdom teeth removal while pregnant?

The risks are the same as when a woman is not pregnant. I don't know any risks related toward the baby. You can do local anesthesia instead, to reduce the risks of general anesthesia.

Can they take wisdom teeth out using just local anesthesia?

Yes, it is done all the time but it does depend on the dentist you are using and how many need to be removed at once. Some wisdom teeth are more difficult to get at and require a general anesthetic. Check with your dental surgeon for more information.

Is it normal to have to have your wisdom teeth removed when your 15 and there almost formed?

It is quite common to have wisdom teeth removed anywhere from 15 to 30.

Can you get a wisdom tooth at sixty?

No. I am 61 and just had a wisdom tooth removed. No problem.

When does a wisdom tooth need to be surgically removed?

Wisdom tooth extraction requires an oral surgeon when the wisdom tooth is compacted, or when the area around the tooth is infected.

How many hours do you have to not eat before you get your wisdom teeth removed?

our surgeon told us at least 6 hours prior, i think this has to do with the anesthetic (spelling)

Did jessa duggar get her wisdom teeth removed?


Is it normal to not to be able to smile properly after you get your wisdom teeth pulled?

Due to local anesthetic, it can be difficult to smile, talk, or even open and close one's mouth following wisdom tooth extraction. This usually resolves itself as soon as the anesthetic wears off and the swelling goes down. This can take up to a week or more, depending on how difficult the extractions were.

What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?

You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.