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Q: Is it true that a planets's atmosphere distributes energy and slows down heat loss?
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Why meteorites become hot when they enter the atmosphere?

Space vehicles re-enter Earth's atmosphere at very high speeds, around 28,000 kph in the case of the shuttle. The friction generated by atmospheric particles striking the vehicle's hull slows the vehicle. During the process of re-entry (slowing), most of the vehicle's energy of motion is transformed into heat energy that is absorbed by the atmospheric particles and the hull of the vehicle (aerodynamic heating). Both are heated to glowing, which is what causes the orange fire-effect that you see.

Why do meteors burn in the mesosphere before entering the earth even if it is the coldest layer of the atmosphere?

The incandescence of a meteor is caused by friction between the surface of the meteoritic body and Earth's atmospheric gas. The gas does not have to be hot to cause the "burning" the energy for this comes from the speed of the meteor as friction with the gas slows it down. Rather like car/bicycle brakes heating up when they are applied.

Why does the space shuttle get very hot when entering the earth's atmosphere?

The space shuttle heats up when it enters the atmosphere because it encounters friction from the atmosphere. This is why the space shuttle is covered with special tiles that dissipates heat very quickly. You can hold a red hot one with the tips of your fingers. At the time of the deorbit burn the space shuttle is going 14,500 miles an hour. The atmosphere friction slows it down slow enough it open it's parachutes.

Would a golf ball have more or less potential energy on the moon than it does on earth?

On the moon. When a golf ball is struck on earth, gravity slows it and brings it to a halt. On the moon, there is very little gravity, so the potential energy of the golf ball is limitless.

How often do meteorites hit Earth?

When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere they are usually traveling around 10-70 kilometers per second. The atmosphere quickly burns up smaller ones and slows larger ones down to around 300 kilometers per hour before they strike the Earth.

Related questions

When rocket reenters the atmosphere its nose cone beomes hotwhere does this heat energy come from?

From the rocket's movement energy (formally called kinetic energy). As the rocket slows down through friction, its kinetic energy is converted mainly to heat energy.

How might friction affect an object from outer space entering your atmosphere?

Friction slows objects down, changing kinetic energy into thermal energy. Usually an object from outer space will be travelling very, very fast as it enters the atmosphere and the friction (from the air resistance) will slow it down a lot. This energy is converted to heat, which is why objects can burn up in the atmosphere.

What is anything that slows the movement of thermal energy?

Anything that slows the movement of thermal energy is a insulator.VOTE YES OR NO am i correct?

What happened to Sputnik after it was out of space?

Satellites in low orbit are affected by drag from the very top layer of the atmosphere. This drag eventually slows them down, which brings them in contact with denser layers of atmosphere, which slows them down and brings them down even more. Eventually, they burn up by the heat from rushing real fast through the air.

Why does spaceships catch on fire while coming back to earth?

It has a high speed as it begins re-entry, but the earths atmosphere slows it down as it approches the surface. The heat comes about due to the friction of the atmosphere on the shuttle as it slows.

What happens to the kinetic energy of a skateboard that is coasting along a flat surface slows down and coming to a stop?

it change into potential energy beace it slows down

How is friction related to the law of conservation of energy?

When an object slows down because of friction, its energy is not lost but merely transferred to thermal energy. Since energy naturally disperses as much as possible, the thermal energy gets dispersed throughout the atmosphere. Even though the energy is no longer usable it is still conserved. *see the second law of thermodynamics

Does Friction make energy vanish?

sort of but it really only slows energy down

When a jumbo jet slows and descends on approach to landing there is a decrease in both its kinetic and potential energy Where does this energy go?

When a jumbo jet slows and descends on approach to landing, there is a decrease in both its kinetic and potential energy. This energy is used to move air.

The process by which the atmosphere slows earth's loss of heat to space is called the?

It is called the greenhouse effect

What force slows and stops a rolling ball on the moon?

friction from the ground and the extremely light atmosphere

How does kinetic energy affect?

The cold slows down the molecules thus decreasing kinetic energy