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To put it simply, calico cats are caused by the random conversion during embyronic development of X chromosomes into Barr bodies. When you have a female cat, you have two X chromosomes (XX). When the female cat embryo is a morula (earliest recognizable embryo), each cell in the embryo randomly inactivates one X chromosome and passes this inactivation onto daughter cells in the same line. This is what allows for the spotted appearance of calico cats, as we are assuming momma kitty and papa kitty had different coat colors transferred to the embryo through the X chromosome. This random inactivation is also why females are typically not color blind. Color blindness is caused by an inability to perceive certain colors due to a deficient protein that has its DNA inside the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, and one of them is randomly selected to be used in the development of each focal area of the eye. If the female had a color blind father, this means each eye would be roughly half color blind, and since half is enough to perceive color well, unaffected. A female could indeed be color blind if she received "bad genes" from her mother as well, but it's a much rarer circumstance.

You do not see the calico patterns with a normal male (XY) cat because the X chromosome does not become inactivated in male animals. However, cats are susceptible to the same genetic disease we are. In one particular disease, two cells fail to separate their X chromosomes during Meiosis (an event called Nondisjunction). This cat hence receives two X chromosomes from mom, and say in the case of a male, a Y from dad. This cat's resultant genotype is XXY and the cat has Klinfelter's Syndrome. The cat appears male (i.e. has a male phenotype) but he really has two X chromosomes. This tends to be why male calico cats are much rarer and are also sterile

To make things simple its very rare to have a male calico cat. And yes male calico cats are sterile. A regular female cat has XX chromosomes and a regular male cat as XY chromosomes. A male calico cat would have XXY chromosomes which in human form this would be called Klinefelter's syndrome. Which makes the male calico cat sterile.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No, it is not true that all calico cats are female, buy a very high percentage is. The calico color comes from the females having 2 X genes. One X has one color and one has a different color making the black and tan part of the coloring. Males have only one X so they would be either black or tan/orange. There are rare cases however where the male is XXY. Since it has 2 X chromosomes it has both colors and thus can be a calico. XXY is a genetic defect so it is rare, but it does happen and that's how a male calico is formed.

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12y ago

not ALWAYS but there are very few male calicos because it is realy a mutation for a male to be calico. Due to this male calicos are very expencive

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14y ago

yes except for one in some country in Europe. it was a boy.

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12y ago

not all but there are Moore girl calicos and a little of boys

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14y ago

Yes only female cats can be calico.....i looked it up on wikipedia :)

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14y ago

because its a sex related gene just the same as a tor tie a calico is basically a lighter version of a tor tie

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12y ago

No, but getting a male calico is very, very rare.

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12y ago

Calico cats are predominantly female.

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How many boy calico cats exist?

none, they are all females

What are the traits of a calico cat?

There isn't a regular size for Calico because calico is actually a color pattern for cats and not a breed. There are multiple cat breeds that offer a calico color pattern. However, most calico cats are female and females tend to be smaller than males.

Do all Calico Cats have six toes?

No, not all calico cats have six toes

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Orange cats can be either male or female. The only color that I know of that is most always female is the Calico color. Personally I have never seen a male Calico cat. Most male calico or tortoiseshell cats are sterile.

Are all calicoes female?

Most calico or tortoiseshell cats are female, and the males are sterile, since they only have one X chromosome.

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Why are most calicos female?

Almost all calicos are females. A male calico may be sterile and have deformities. This is because male cats only have one X chromosone, and calicos need two of them to produce the calico coat. This is the same for tortiseshell cats, too. Hope I helped

What makes a cat calico?

Not necessarily. A calico cat is only female, due to genetics, while all tabby cats are males. A calico is typically white with orange and black patches in its pelt. Well that is not quite true. Most tabby cats are male and most calicos and tortoiseshells are females, but not all of them. They are very rare, but they do exist. Also, calicos of any gender must be orange, white, and black, or ginger, cream, and gray, in distinct patches.

How does the calico cat age some say dogs are 7 to 1?

Calico cats age the same as all cats, see the chart in the link below.

How do you make calico cats?

This all depends on the genes the parents, and in some cases, the grandparents carry. Please note that calico cats are NOT a separate breed - it is just a coat colour.

Are calico cats nice?

Heck yes they are, but they are worth it. They are the most wonderful cats of all.

How can you tell if your Calico Cat is male?

There is no such thing as a male calico cat and a male cats behind would be sticking out and a girls behind wouldn't have anything sticking out. --- Calico males are extremely rare, so it is safe to assume your calicoes are all female.