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No the Erth is closer. The order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. That is how i remember which is closer to the sun

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Yes, the planets in order from the sun are:









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Q: Is mars further away from the sun than earth?
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How much further from the Sun is Mars than Earth?

Mars is 78.3 million kilometers further away from the Sun than the Earth is.

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Mars is cooler than earth mostly because it is further away from the sun.

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No. Alpha Centauri is much, much further away than Mars.

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No. The Sun would appear to be about 40% smaller from Mars, because Mars is about 40% further away from the Sun than Earth is.

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Mars is always further away from the sun than the earth is. Therefore, the light that reaches the surface on mars is much weaker than on earth, so solar panels are not quite as effective.

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This is a function of distance - an object appears smaller the further away it is. Although Jupiter is many times the size of Mars, the two planets appear to be about the same size because Jupiter is also much further away from Earth than Mars is.

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You can't give a definative direction as such as the Earth spins on its axis and also orbits the Sun, as does Mars, so their relative positions to each other alter. Mars is further away from the Sun than Earth.

Is mars further from earth than the sun?

no madafuka!!

Which planet is further away from the sun earth or mars?

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.Pluto orbits even farther away than Neptune, but it is not a planet. It is a dwarf planet, and it is not even the farthest dwarf planet.Here is a list of all planets and dwarf planets in order from the Sun:1. Mercury2. Venus3. Earth4. Mars5. Ceres6. Jupiter7. Saturn8. Uranus9. Neptune10. Pluto11. Haumea12. Makemake13. Eris

Is mars as hot as earth?

Mars being 78,342,130 Kilometeres further away from the Sun, with a temperature range of -140ºC to 20ºC; Whereas Earth has a temperature range of -69ºC to 58ºC, would Make Mars much much colder than Earth.

What is the inner or outer planet of mars?

The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

How would the length of a year on mars compare with that on earth and Why?

It would be longer because Mars is further away from the sun and orbits slower than the Earth; therefore will take longer to complete a full revolution.