

Is milk more likely to cause urination than water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is milk more likely to cause urination than water?
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What cause skin formation to milk?

When milk gets warm, some of the water evaporates. The "skin" is milk from which most of the water has evaporated.

Why does milk kill plants?

There are a number of reasons why milk might be the cause of a plant's death. Milk can choke out the water the plants need for example.

Why is your 2005 tribute steering fluid like milk?

It most likely has water in it. Change it.

Can milk float in water?

Although you might think milk fats would likely float on water, milk also contains other solids like proteins and sugars, which make it barely heavier than water. So usually no - at the same temperature and pressure, ordinary homogenized cow milk would sink in water. A gallon of milk is heavier than a gallon of water.

Do cats drink milk or water?

They should be given a fresh bowl of water daily. Cows' milk is actually hard for cats to digest and can cause diarrhea in cats.

Do more dogs like milk or water?

I'd say water. For cats, milk is often preferred, but should not be given as many cats cannot digest lactose in cow's milk, and can cause an upset stomach.

What do cougars drink?

Cougars drink water. For an orphan baby cougar you could try goat's milk, which is easier to digest than cow's milk, and less likely to cause problems. Your best bet is to get in touch with your nearest zoo. They give out animal advice all the time.

What do Cougar do?

Cougars drink water. For an orphan baby cougar you could try goat's milk, which is easier to digest than cow's milk, and less likely to cause problems. Your best bet is to get in touch with your nearest zoo. They give out animal advice all the time.

Why is water called milk?

Water is not called milk. Water is called "water," or "H2O". Milk is called milk.

If you boil Rotten milk will it be good again?

No. Once milk has spoiled there is nothing you can do to fix it. Milk spoilage causes changes in proteins that cause curdling and the milk will likely be sour. Bacteria might be killed off with boiling, but the damage will already be done.

Does lucky charms cause you to fart?

It is more likely the milk you pour on your cereal giving you gas. This is called lactose intollerence.

Can dried milk in hot chocolate cause constipaqtion?

it is the milk that causes the consitpation not the chocolate, you could be lactose