

Is narcissism a trait of adult child of alcoholic?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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possibly but it depends on the alcoholic's behavior

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Q: Is narcissism a trait of adult child of alcoholic?
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A sentence for trait?

The child picks up the family trait.

If both parents are carriers what will the child be?

When a recessive trait is inherited from both parents, it will be expressed. If the trait is hemophilia, the child will be a hemophiliac.

What is the probability Two individuals with autosomal recessive trait will have a child with the same trait?

If they are expressing the trait, 100%, as their genotypes would be, rr X rr If they both carry the trait and it is dominated, Rr X Rr, then the probability would be, 25% of their child expressing the trait.

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The probability that a parent carrying a dominant trait will pass that trait on is a 50% chance with each pregnancy

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No. The trait that causes sickle cell anemia is a recessive trait, which means that if both parents have the trait, there is a 1/4 chance their child will have it. The child can be a carrier however and not display symptoms, but there is no way for a child to get sickle cell from parents that don't have the gene.

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Responsibility is an adult trait. Children acquire them in stages as they mature.

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Yes II - 1 and II- 2 are carriers. They have a dominant trait but have a child with a recessive trait. They must be carriers.

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Blue eyes are a recessive trait that is passed down by the parents to the child through their genes.

If Natasha has normal blood cell but marries someone who has sickle cell trace What are the chances of them having a child with sickle cell?

If a person does not carry the Sickle cell trait and they marry some one with the trait. The child that comes from that relationship can never have sickle cell disease, however that child has a chance of having the sickle trait.

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you have a 50/50 chance me and my twin both had it and my 2 older brothers are fine 1 is a carrier and the other is not.