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Negitive because it can cause fires.

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Q: Is oil-drilling a positive or negative human-environment interaction?
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An example of a positive effect of humans environment interaction is the amount of crops humans grow, which increases plant life and feeds animals in the environment, as well as feeding and benefiting humans. A negative effect is pollution, which damages both the environment and the people who live in it.

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There are two major outcomes from a positive or negative customer experience. A positive customer experience would ultimately result in a returning customer who tells others about their positive interaction with your business. Which in turn leads to others trusting the testimonial they heard while looking to a have similar interaction with your business. A negative customer experience is exactly the opposite and would result in a one time customer who would not conduct business with you again. In addition tells others about their negative interaction with your business and leading to others following suit.

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Yes. Negative/negative = positive Postive/Positive = positive Negative/Positive - negative

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