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Paralysis is a symptom of a problem, not a disease itself.

The underlying problem which causes it might be hereditary (genetic, such as an evolving case of multiple sclerosis). Or, of course paralysis can be caused by injury to the spinal cord. In this latter case, your preventative measures would be things like wearing a helmet when cycling. Genetic issues cannot be prevented.

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11y ago

no it's a symptom/injury/other

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One main cause of paralysis is a major accident such as a car crash, a fall from a high height or any other hard impact to the spinal column. Other causes are hereditary.

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Erbs palsy or Erb-Duchenne palsy (a form of paralysis) is not a hereditary condition. Is caused by injury to a persons upper arm, more specific a persons arm nerves.

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What is the plural paralysis?

The plural form of paralysis is paralyses.

What body system is affected by paralysis?

The body's nervous system is affected by paralysis. There are different types of paralysis. These can range from either paralysis from the waist down, or paralysis from the neck down.

What is Todd's paralysis?

Todd's paralysis is a brief period of paralysis that occurs in the aftermath of a seizure.

What is the another name for upper motor neuron paralysis?

spastic paralysis

What term that describes paralysis of the larynx?

Laryngoparalysis or laryngoplegia is paralysis of the larynx or voice box. Another term might be vocal cord paralysis.

What is the Paralysis?

The plural form of paralysis is paralyses.