

Is putting lip stick on a cold sore bad?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It won't help it will make it worse so don't pick at it just let it dry.

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Q: Is putting lip stick on a cold sore bad?
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That is a natural part of the healing process but you are still contagious. Up utill the cold sore is completely gone you can still pas it on. Don't touch the cold sore, if you have to wash your hands after touching it. Don't cover it with mke up, that will only aggravate the sore. Apply some cream like Abreva to the sore regulaly to help speed up the healing process.

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To me, both are pretty bad, but a canker sore is always worst! Cold sores can hurt sometimes and are a pain to have on the lip, especially because of it being un-comftorable! Canker sores hurt very bad, I would know, as I get them a lot! They sting in your mouth and it's hard to eat things and especially the pain they inflict on people who have them when they get up in the morning!

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