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Lectin, an anti-insecticide and several bacteria are found on uncooked rice and might cause food poisoning if eaten in large amounts. Cooking however enhances the absorption of the nutrients found in rice which otherwise would not be available because of the coating of rice grains.

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11y ago
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10y ago
Raw RiceIt's not unhealthy, but the rice will swell in your stomach. If you eat a large amount, you could certainly have discomfort. In extreme cases, your stomach could even burst. This has actually happened to people, mostly children.

Here is more advice and input

  • If you soak the rice in warm water for a few hours, it will absorb the water and will not expand in the stomach.
  • It's also probably not the best for your teeth.
  • Actually, if you don't boil the rice, you will receive more nutrition. The only problem is the swelling of the rice inside your body. Don't eat too much!
  • Also try soaking with lemon juice or vinegar or whey. this will decrease the anti-nutrients.
  • If left out for more than 45 minutes, don't eat it or you'll get food poisoning.
  • Yes, eating uncooked rice is bad for you. I've had an experience with eating uncooked rice and I guess I just got addicted to the taste. I kept eating it and eating it, until my blood level just dropped. To the point where I had to be hospitalized for anemia because of eating uncooked rice. They had to do a blood transfusion on me because I was really pale. Take it from someone with experience: Eating uncooked rice is very unhealthy. Trust me... you will slowly get sick.
  • From my experience from eating dry rice yes, you do lose a lot of blood; something in the rice makes your menstruation longer. It just keeps making the blood flow out every time you eat dry rice.
  • I ate a pound of dry rice once for a bet. I was a bit tipsy at the time, but it was okay - though I felt a bit funny in the morning. I guess something was going on in my tummy.

If, however, you do eat raw (uncooked) rice:

If you do eat raw rice, chew well, very well (several minutes per mouthful) not just a few chews or even just a few dozen chews. This will minimize the swelling in your stomach (the swelling will already have occurred in your mouth while you were chewing).

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16y ago

I read eating raw rice helps rid your body of parasite. Any information to prove this. I heard about this in Japan and tried it but there is a huge range of parasites and it is unlikely to affect all of them, if any at all. Raw garlic is a very safe and effective way to remove parasites, but that won't get every type either. Eating grains (and cooked food) is what causes parasites in humans in the first place, because it slows down the digestive process to the point where they can gain a foothold. Raw grains are even more slowly digested than cooked ones Eating a high fibre diet of raw food speeds up digestion so that they are flushed out before they can do any harm. Eating cooked grains can make the digestive cycle up to six times slower than it should be. Please read this article which is the latest research about health effects of eating grains:

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13y ago

No. Some people think that because it has carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose when they enter your body. Then the glucose goes into your blood and it is burned as energy. That's why carbohydrates give you energy.

Ok, eating lots of carbohydrates before you exercise is good. This is because you use a lot of energy when you're exercising. However eating too many carbohydrates when you aren't going to use that much energy is bad because instead of burning stored fat, your body burns glucose. So, if you eat a LOT (I mean a lot) of rice and just sit on the couch or something, you'll gain weight.

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13y ago

results of eating uncooked rice are as follows:

(i)it is very dangerous to health,

(ii)it results in blood clotting in various parts of body,

(iii)it results abnormal children after marriage,

(iv)a person eating uncooked rice becomes fat with 2.5 months if she or he doesn't stop eating uncooked rice.

(v)it results in death before 45 years if they don't stop eating it

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12y ago

While it is possible, it is not healthy nor is it recommended.ya is not bad if you don't eat a lot

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11y ago

what are the effects of the eating of raw rice

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12y ago

Yes. Except after a total of three hours the rice will explode in your stomach like it does when birds eat it. Unless you want to face the same fate as Gary the pigeon, don't eat raw rice.

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14y ago

No, its better for you. Soak it for at least 2 days replacing the water 3 times a day.

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Only if you are not also eating a balanced diet.

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I eat half or more cup of rice a....I am addicted to ,icant stop.Where ever i go a nee to have rwar in my pocket.My quistion is bad to keep eating raw rice?

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No rice is completely harmless!

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Can eating raw rice make you fat?

I doubt it- raw rice is not very digestible. Also, it's not very pleasant to eat raw, so you'll probably lose interest in eating it before you've eaten much of it.

Is eating raw rice harmful during breast feeding?

I believe it is associated to "pica" which is an eating disorder, and most probably because you are anemic, and lack iron in your body. i dont know the harm it may have on the quality of breast milk you produce, but it surely will have a harm on your body if eaten in excess. currently, i am suffering from this addiction of eating raw rice myself and i am pregnant, i would advise that you talk to a health care professional about this soon, because you don't want to get carried away!

Does eating a lot of raw rice prvent you to conceive for a baby?

Absolutely not