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Not necessarily, but it could still be a copyright violation. Plagiarism is taking credit for someone's work or not giving proper attribution. But if you are copying to give away or sell without saying it is your original work, that is not plagiarism, but piracy.

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1mo ago

No, scanning text or a picture itself is not plagiarism. Plagiarism refers to using someone else's work and passing it off as your own without giving credit. If you scan a text or picture and use it in a way that constitutes plagiarism, such as using someone else's words without proper citation, then it would be considered plagiarism.

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Look in your text book don't get answers of the internet its called plagiarism

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plagiarism is when you wright the exact same thing that was in a text or a book and ect... bye: unknown!! peace out!!!!:-)

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Do you cite a picture?

yes, or it would still be considered plagiarism

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Any written text that is correctly referenced either within the text or in the reference section.

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Scanning is reading through a text ,paying particular attention, memorizing the what is needed with a particular purpose.

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jpeg files can't be converted to *.doc files, microsoft word is a word processing tool, not an image editor, but you can insert the image via the insert menu, and centering it and/or if it has a high resolution making it as big as the page itself.

What is a scanner printer use for?

Scanning and printing. (Printing = taking digital pictures and text from the computer and putting them on physical paper Scanning = taking physical pictures and text on paper and digitizing them into the computer)

An example of plagiarism is?

copying large sections of text without proper citation

What is the best definition the word plagiarism?

Plagiarism - is copying a piece of text 'word for word' and using it as your own work - instead of acknowledging the original author.