

Is someone name a concrete noun?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is someone name a concrete noun?
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The noun 'Donna' is a concrete noun as the name of a physical person.

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The noun 'Benjamin' is a concrete noun, the name of a person, a physical person.

Is the word signature a concrete Noun?

The noun 'signature' is a concrete noun as a word for a person's name written in their own handwriting; a word for a physical thing.The noun 'signature' is an abstract noun as a word for the recognizable style of someone or something; a word for a concept.

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The word color is a common, concrete noun. It is a concrete noun because it can be experienced by one of the five senses, it can be seen. It is a common noun because it isn't the name of something or someone specific. A common noun can become a proper noun when it's used for a proper name or title such as 'The Color Purple'.

Is a name a concrete noun?


Is Jupiter concrete noun?

Yes, the proper noun 'Jupiter' is a concrete noun, the name of a physical planet that can be seen with instruments.

Is Homer an abstract noun?

If it is a proper name, it is a concrete noun.

Is Ron an abstract or concrete noun?

Ron is a name or nickname. It is a proper noun, and a concrete noun for a specific person named Ron.

Is Martha is a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun 'Martha' is a concrete noun, the name of a person. A person is something that can be seen, heard, or touched.

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Yes, the noun 'miller' is a concrete noun, a word for someone who owns or works in a grain mill; a word for a physical person.

What type of noun is Mexico?

The noun Mexico is a singular, concrete, proper noun; the name of a specific place.