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Yes. According to the PA Civil and Criminal Codes: "Parents can use reasonable supervision and control when raising their children. 23 § 6302. [Civil Code] Parent/guardian/person responsible for general care and supervision/ person acting at request of the above may use force for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting welfare of minor including the prevention or punishment of his misconduct, if the force is not designed to cause or known to create a substantial risk of causing death, serious bodily injury, disfigurement, extreme pain, mental distress, or gross degradation. 18 § 509. [Criminal Code]"

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Q: Is spanking a child with a belt in Pennsylvania legal?
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Is spanking your child with a belt illegal in Hawaii?

Yes, yes it is.

Is it legal for a step dad to whoop you with his belt?

Physically, yes. Legally, maybe. Considering education, NO! Violent punishing is wrong. It gives the child the impression violence is ok and will encourage it to use violence against others too.

Is buckling two people in one seat belt legal?


Is it illegal to spank your child in KY?

See law below:"Parent/guardian/person/teacher with care and supervision of minor can use force if person believes force necessary for welfare of child and force is not designed to cause or known to cause a substantial risk of causing death, serious physical injury, disfigurement, extreme pain, or extreme mental distress.§ 503.110. [Criminal Code]"This means as long as no Physical harm comes to the child then it is legal to spank, or punish. even with a belt. it is in many debates as to weather anything other than a hand is abuse, and in many cases it is not as some mothers use a belt on the butt because a growing Boy will be much more tollerant of a smack from a hand and it may actually injure the mother as the butt is alot more resiliant than a hand. and any harm from a belt will pass in a considerable short moment. however any use of any object to any other part of the body can cause more harm and is considered to be casue of great harm to the childs life, and is illegal.

Is beating your child with a belt legal in New Jersey?

obviously not Only suitable for minors?: People used to think it was necessary to "spank" adult members of the community, college students, military trainees, and prisoners. In some countries they still do. In our country, it is considered sexual battery if a person over the age of 18 is "spanked", but only if over the age of 18. For one thing, because the buttocks are so close to the anal region, sex organs, and so multiply linked to sexual nerve centers, striking them can trigger powerful and involuntary sexual stimulus in some people. There are numerous physiological ways in which it can be intentionally or unintentionally sexually abusive, but I won't list them all here. One can read the testimony, documentation, and educational resources available from the website of Parents and Teachers Against Violence In Education. Child bottom-battering vs. DISCIPLINE: Child bottom-battering (euphemistically labeled "spanking", "swatting", "switching", "smacking", "paddling", r other cute-sounding names) for the purpose of gaining compliance is nothing more than an inherited bad habit. Its a good idea for people to take a look at what they are doing, and learn how to DISCIPLINE instead of hit. There are several reasons why child bottom-battering isn't a good idea. Here are some good, quick reads recommended by professionals: Plain Talk About Spanking by Jordan Riak The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children by Tom Johnson NO VITAL ORGANS THERE, So They Say by Lesli Taylor MD and Adah Maurer PhD Just a handful of those helping to raise awareness of why child bottom-battering isn't a good idea: American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Psychological Association, Center For Effective Discipline, Churches' Network For Non-Violence, Nobel Peace Prize recipient Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Parenting In Jesus' Footsteps, Global Initiative To End All Corporal Punishment of Children, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. In 31 nations, child corporal punishment is prohibited by law (with more in process). In fact, the US was the only UN member that did not ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The US also has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The US states with the highest crime rates and the poorest academic performance are also the ones with the highest rates of child corporal punishment. There is simply no evidence to suggest that child bottom-battering instills virtue.

Related questions

Is spanking your child with a belt legal in Washington?

By law, hitting a child with an object such as a belt is considered whipping and thus is considered child abuse, which is illegal. Depending on the severity the sentence length and punishments differ, however, it is common for the child to be removed from their parent. So yes, spanking with a belt is illegal in Washington

Is spanking your child with a belt legal in Hawaii?

Yes u can spank your children anywhere just don't kill them

Is spanking your teenage child with a belt in Georgia legal?

No, only use an open hand or a small paddle. Never leave a mark!

Is spanking your child with a belt illegal in Hawaii?

Yes, yes it is.

Is whooping your child with and belt?

No, a spanking is a part dosiplint just don't do son hard it leaves breuses

How do you make a child listen to you without abusing them?

Spanking is abuse. If you have to use a belt. Its not abusive its just a way to get your childrens attention.

Is leaving belt marks abuse?

Legally it is child abuse. Spanking is legal but not so severe you are leaving marks. The most common problem with corporal punishment is a punisher who is expressing their own anger. Spanking should be used only for certain situations. If you cannot administer an appropriate spanking because of your anger then don't. Put them in a corner, send them to their room until you have it together. Then remind them of what boundary they crossed and that the consequence is a spanking. Then do so with a cool head.

Is spanking a child with a belt without leaving marks or bruises is against the law in michigan?

actually i am so sorry i don't know the answer

Is it legal to whip your child with a belt in the state of Georgia?

Beat it up !

Is spanking your child with a belt legal in Washin?

Look at this link http:/ Washington State has very specific guidelines as to what types of corporal punishment are permissible. The law outlines what types of force are forbidden (ex: no biting or closed-fist punching). It comments on the situations in which spanking is allowable (punishment or correction). And it described the acceptable effects of such practice (ex: it may leave temporary marks or cause transient pain only).

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