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Yes. If one takes a picture of a person without his consent either express or implicit it is amounting to infringement of his personal liberty. He may sue you that you have trespassed his personal life. There are exceptions like public figures who on public visit can be photographed without any specific consent from any quarter.


In the U.S., it is perfectly legal to take a picture of anyone or anything that is in public or visible from a public place (the only very limited exception to this has to do with military installations, where the prohibition would be posted). People in a public place have no expectation of privacy as far as their image. It may be illegal to use such pictures for commercial purposes without the person's consent, which is usually obtained with a document called a model release. See related link

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It is illegal to deliberately take photo's of people if you don't have their consent. In relation to porn it depends on whether the pictures violate the laws of pornography where you live.

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