

Is technology good or bad for the world?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is how you look at it. It can be bad for the world (Global Warming and stuff) but it can help us in many ways too!

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Q: Is technology good or bad for the world?
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yes they are because with out humans the world would be at Peace

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No, it doesn't.

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Technology is a double-edge sword. The good is its good part and the bad part is its worst.

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In my humble opinion appropriate technology is allways good

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That 97% think that technology is good And that 3% think its bad.

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You can say technology is beneficial when it does something good. You can say technology is harmful when it does something bad.

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they cant afford anything good

When is technology good and when is too much technology bad?

Technology is good when it serves you. It is bad whan you serve it. e.g.: it's OK chatting when you have urgent information to exchange. It is bad passing hours chatting about nothing with your friends, instead of meeting them or waiting to meet them tomorrow at school ...

Why is technology good for the world?

you wouldn't be asking this question without technology.

How technology affected society?

Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.

Is science and technology a curse or a blessing?

They are both a blessing and a curse. Neither science nor technology in and of themselves are good or bad. It is what we as humans choose to do with science and technology that is good or bad. In some cases even something we do that is bad can lead to good. For example nuclear weapons are clearly bad. However that same radiation that can be used to kill masses. Can also be used to remove cancer. A computer can be used to learn a great many things about the world. Or it can be used to hurt children, take down power grids, and other nefarious acts.