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Tartuffe is the text book definition of farce.

"A style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method; compare sarcasm; A motion picture or play featuring this style of humor; A situation abounding with ludicrous incidents; A ridiculous or empty show."

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Yes, Moliere's play "Tartuffe" is considered a farce. It uses humor and exaggeration to expose the hypocrisy and deceit of its characters, particularly Tartuffe, a false religious zealot. The play's comedic elements and farcical situations make it a classic example of the genre.

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In the play Tartuffe where does Orgon hide to spy on Tartuffe and Elmire?

under the table

Who are cleante and tartuffe in tartuffe play by Moliere?

Cleante is Orgons brother in law Tartuffe is the imposter that Orgon brought into his home

What are the example of play?

Lysistrata is one of the best political and gender satires of all time. Tartuffe is a great satire on relegious hypocracy. Taming of the Shrew is a tremenfous farce. The Rivals is a funny comedy of manners. The Odd Couple is a good modern domestic comedy.

The character that feigned religiosity was Dorine?

Actually, the character who feigned religiosity was Tartuffe in the play "Tartuffe" by Molière. Dorine is a clever maid who sees through Tartuffe's deception and tries to expose him.

What is the rising action in the play Tartuffe?

The rising action in Tartuffe involves Orgon's increasing admiration and trust in Tartuffe, leading to conflicts with his family who see through Tartuffe's deceitful nature. This conflict escalates as Tartuffe manipulates Orgon to gain control over the household, resulting in tension and deception among the characters.

What was the impact of Tartuffe on society?

Tartuffe' was a very controversial play because of its criticism of the Catholic Church. When it was published, the Pope threatened to excommunicate anyone who staged, watched, or even read the play.

What is the basic structure of Tartuffe?

"Tartuffe" by Molière is a five-act comedic play that follows the story of a hypocritical and deceitful man named Tartuffe who manipulates a wealthy family, the Orgons, for his own gain. The play explores themes of deception, morality, and societal hypocrisy as Tartuffe's true nature is gradually revealed and the consequences unfold. The climax of the play involves a scheme to expose Tartuffe's deceit and restore order to the family.

Who are the characters of the novel tartuffe?

The main characters in the play "Tartuffe" by Molière include Tartuffe, Orgon, Elmire, Damis, Dorine, and Cleante. Tartuffe is a hypocritical and devious man, while Orgon is the gullible head of the household. Elmire is Orgon's wife, Damis is their son, and Dorine is their outspoken maid. Cleante is Orgon's brother-in-law and the voice of reason in the play.

What is a word that means a ridiculous play?

a farce

How do you say prank in french?

une farce (to play a prank on someone - faire un farce à quelqu'un)

Farce used in a sentence?

"The play we saw was so stupid and foolish, we considered it a farce." It might need some improvement, but it is correctly used, depends on what education level your on, that if this would work or no.

What are the two character sterotypes in the play Tartuffe?

Two stereotypes in the play Tartuffe include the basic class structure of society and how people behave in each. It highlighted the disparity between the two very distinct parts of society.