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This should not show up on your personal credit report, but if you jointly apply for a loan (it is usually required that both spouses be on real estate transactions) it will be listed as one of his obligations and possibly reduce the amount that will be approved. And if the cosigned loan is in default or has been charged-off or repossessed, it could make it difficult to get a joint loan.

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Q: Is the credit rating of a cosigner's spouse affected?
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The only way it could possibly affect the former spouse's credit is if you are including debt in your BK that the spouse may be jointly obligated on; regardless of who was responsible for that debt in the divorce decree. It the spouse was not a co-signer on any of the debts you file BK on, then they won't be affected.

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If your name was on the note, yes.

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Yes - the loan, if reported, would be reported on both parties credit reports.

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No. You are the primary borrower, and it will be entered as a repo. on your credit report.

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Only when the new spouse is applying for credit jointly with the bankrupt partner.

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