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The generic version of Adderall - or any drug - is NOT the "equivalent" of its 'brand name' counterpart.

Rather, the manufacturer of the generic must prove to the FDA only that the generic is the "bioequivalent" of the 'brand name' drug.

"Bioequivalent" has a technical definition. (According to Wikipedia, the FDA considers two products "bioequivalent" if the 90% CI of the relative mean Cmax, AUC(0-t) and AUC(0-∞) of the test (e.g. generic formulation) to reference (e.g. innovator brand formulation) should be within 80.00% to 125.00% in the fasting state. Although there are a few exceptions, generally a bioequivalent comparison of Test to Reference formulations also requires administration after an appropriate meal at a specified time before taking the drug, a so-called "fed" or "food-effect" study. A food-effect study requires the same statistical evaluation as the fasting study, described above.) ____________________

Generic Adderall is often labeled as "mixed amphetamine salts" or similar.

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Q: Is the formula for the generic version of adderall called amphetamine any different than the original Adderall?
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What pharmaceutical company makes Adderall?

Shire is the original maker of Adderall until their patent expired. Then TEVA and BARR stepped in, but their version is lacking critical ingredients, so the *Generic* version of Adderall is not as effective and in some cased creates more problems with the people who are on it versus the original Adderall by Shire Pharmaceuticals.

What are some over the counter stimulants that are similar to Adderall?

There is a new product out called PROFIDERALL that is an over the counter alternative to adderall. It is non-prescription strength, but I tried it and it definitely helped me focus and gave me a ton of energy. Most people don't understand that Adderall is a strong drug, it is four different types of amphetamines, which are a controlled substance. You aren't going to find anything over-the-counter anymore similar to Adderall than caffeine probably. And if you have been taking Adderall for more than like 1-2 months, caffeine won't at all compare.

Would Concerta or focalin cause less anxiety and mood swings than adderall?

hi, i think conerta gives u less mood swings then adderall xr. atleast that was case with my daughter. she was very moody and crying all of time on adderall xr. changed her to concerta, she totally different. different med's work differntly on people. you just have to try them with the doctor's help Addition to Answer - The original answer is spot-on. Sadly, treating ADHD in both kids and adults requires trial and error to find which of the 8 or so meds, solo or in combination, that are commonly used work best for each patient.

How long does Adderall work in your system?

The average elimination half-life is the period of time it takes for a substance undergoing decay to decrease by half. In adults for dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine is 10 hours and 13 hours respectively. So basically it means in 20 to 26 hours. I would give it at least 48 hours.A drug test can tell the difference if sent to a lab other wise the test will show up as just an unknown amphetamine. So if you're going to be tested by probation or for court they will tell the difference because it will be sent to a lab for further testing, as to where a home test (that is not being sent out) or job will not specify which amphetamine it is.Specifically, Adderall XR consists of the following amphetamine compounds in equal proportions: dextroamphetamine saccharate, dextroamphetamine sulfate, racemic amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, and racemic amphetamine sulfate.Breakdown rates are affected by many factors including urinary and stomach pH, weight, gender, other medications being taken, and age. Alkalinity increases bioavailability and acidity causes the drug to be excreted sooner.Manufacturers claim that the mixture of salts in Adderall XR makes its effects smoother (that is, makes softer highs and lows). The mixture of salts and their ratios are as follows:1/4 dextroamphetamine saccharate1/4 dextroamphetamine sulfate1/4 (racemic dextro/levo-)amphetamine aspartate monohydrate1/4 (racemic dextro/levo-)amphetamine sulfateThese four salts are metabolized at different rates and possess diverse half lives (citation needed), therefore resulting in a less dramatic onset and termination of therapeutic action, as compared to single-salt amphetamine preparations (citation needed)Adderall is available as an instant release ("IR") as well as an extended release ("XR") drugThe immediate release formulation is indecated for use in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, while the XR formulation is approved for use only with ADHD. In the United States, Adderall is a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substance Act due to having significant abuse and addiction potential.The difference between the two is this: levomethamphetamine is approximately 28% of the drug Adderall (racemic amphetamine salt mixture), while 72% of the drug is dextroamphetamine.

What is the difference between amphetamine salt combo and adderall?

They are considered by the FDA to be equivalent. It's just generic rather than brand name. I have ADD and take the D-Amphetamine salt combo 20mg's. Some other users I know claim that they have had different experiences with different manufacturers, like brand-name is the best, Shire is best, Barr is best, etc. I've gotten all different manufacturers and never noticed a difference, personally. I kinda like the 20mg Corepharma's I get from Walgreens better than the Barr's I get from CVS because the Corepharmas are easier to break into 5s, whereas the Barr only has cuts for cutting it in half (10s).

What does Adderall do to you?

It has helped me to be more gentle with my children. It has helped me sleep better. It has also helped me with my relationship with my husband and children and also friends. Helps me to focus a little more to. Whenever I start something I usually get it done. Before I took it I procrastinated quite a bit. It works all in all.

Can you mix Adderall with morphine sr?

No. To do so would be a lesser equivalent to mixing cocaine and heroin, also known as a "speed-ball." Speed-balls have been responsible for many deaths usually by failure of the heart. One famous example would be the death of Layne Staley original front-man for the band Alice in Chains. The only way this mixture would be ok would be if the morphine were administered by a doctor with the doctor having full knowledge of the Adderall being in your system.

What kind of people use adderall?

Anyone and everyone! That is why you must be moderate in your intake of this medication. It is easy to become addicted to it, and then to take more and more than is diagnosed by your doctor. One strategy -- if you are overdoing it -- is to cease taking it for a week to 10 days. Then when you resume it, you will again experience the same benefits at or near the original dose. Good luck!

Is there a drug you can switch to when adderall loses effect?

You will find many Dr. have no clue what they are doing with the whole ADD/ADHD/AADD/AADHD- When you say "Adderall has lost effect"; you may find that your problem is with the exact wording of your script. What I mean by this is- I have been on max "Adderall" for two years. If I actually allow my pharm. to fill the script with name brand Adderall, I can guarantee you I will lose my job, a kid or two, burn down my home or play chicken with semis on the freeway just because it seems fun. I have to take 30 mg. GENERIC IMMEDIATE RELEASE AMPHETAMINE SALT COMBO TABLETS. Adderall XR or any combo of say getting my total 60 mg./daily like 3- 20mg. generics when the RX is out of my normal orange tablets and I am either swinging from a tight rope or asleep for a week. The Docs. I have seen (ongoing since I was first diagnosed and treated with Sudafed in the 4th grade{26 years}) insist that all of the stimulant medications are interchangeable and work the same. This is scary ignorance as far as I am concerned because at one point a had a great Dr. who actually studied me and once he saw that I get no "high or wired" thrill from my meds but that I actually slow way down; allowed me a flexible, high trust medication plan where he would write double scripts and have me start A.M. with my AmphSalts and then my PM dose was plain original immediate release 10mg. X's 4 tablets of Ritalin. His idea was to keep a mix up going on in my brain so I didn't hit max. dose with no effect. At one point he added a Valporic Acid script to piggyback my Ritalin. I didn't like that though because although it really helped with allowing a max absorption in my cranium, the pills only came in one size and dose so I had to take 8 horse capsules 2X's daily. That with the Ritalin dose had me feeling like I lived on pills, 24/day. When I stressed that eating pills all day was causing me to become depressed due to a constant reminder that my brain is broken and that it will not ever produce and use Dopamine the way it is meant to; He added 150MG. XR Wellbutron 2 X's daily along with the stimulant combos because WB actually does act similar with the brain. So, long and drawn out, yes. You can alternate between Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta. Focalin, generic Ritalin (Methylphenidate) AND NO GENERIC ADD/ADHD STIMULANT MEDICATIONS ARE NOT EQUAL SUBSTITUTES TO THE NAME BRAND AND EACH PERSON'S BODY PROCESSES EVEN A SIMPLE ANTACID DIFFERENTLY and the generic Adderall amphetamine salt combo. You can take an antacid with your Adderall and stay away from sodas and highly acidic foods so you get better half life and absorption levels. I come across forums where people are snorting the crap, cooking it and mixing it with anything they can find and just know that is so freaking stupid and most likely the reason why if is very difficult for my Dr. to treat me with the medications he feels fit at the dosages he feels fit. The FDA has to babysit junkies and it sucks if you actually rely on these meds to function.

Is it safe to take adderall and Vyvanse together you have been prescribed 50 mg of Vyvanse to take in the am then in the afternoon 30mg of Adderall Is this safe?

First of all, 50 mg of Vyvanse is basically equivalent to 20mg of Adderall XR, so you're not really taking as much as it looks like. They are safe to take together because Vyvanse is all a d-amphetamine, and Adderall is a mixture of that plus other types of amphetamines. However, 40 mg of Adderall is the maximum recommended daily dose for ADHD, but up to 60 mg is okay for narcolepsy, but I don't think what you've got is too much unless you're sensitive to amphetamines. I'm guessing that if it's for ADHD your doctor prescribed that mix because Vyvanse is made to last up to 14 hours and there is no quick release version available. You might need a little boost in the afternoon if that's when you do a lot of work, but you can't take more Vyvanse or you'll never sleep, so quick release Adderall would definitely do the trick. Yes it's safe, and I'm trying to basically get that same prescription. I already take 50 mg of Vyvanse daily, and it starts to lose its effect by the time I'm doing most of my work so I need an extra kick that won't keep me up all night. Tell me if it works for you :) This is the original answer, but he doesn't know what might work for you better than you and your doctor do; meds are very personal. Anyway here: If I remember correctly, vyvanse is meant to last over a long period, so yea, 80 grams per day expanded over the entire day(16-18 hours that you are awake) is safe. If you are taking it for obesity/epilepsy/narcolepsy/etc, that is fine. I have found however, for adhd, it seems to work better for me at lower doses then at higher doses. If this the initial prescription that the doctor gave you, or a revised prescription? If it is the initial prescription, I would ask the doctor for a lower booster, but keep the vyvanse the same. If it it because lower doses do not seem to affect you, however, then it is fine. But, keep in mind that your diet dramatically effects how much adderall you absorb, as well as long it stays in your system. This won't affect vyvanse as much because it is a prodrug, but make sure you notify your doctor of any changes in your diet, and any euphoria you might experience. It is common to experience euphoria right after a change in dosage, but if it seems to last more then a week then your dosage is too high and you are at risk of becoming dependent... which is not a good thing.

How can you inject Adderall safetly?

You don't inject pills. There are insoluble binders in pills--like talc--that will clog veins and cause sickness and possibly death. The chemicals in Adderall are absorbed from the gut at nearly 100% efficiency, so there really is no need to risk hurting yourself by injecting something that was intended to be swallowed.

What are the different forms of the word original?

The word original is an adjective; the forms are comparative, more original; the superlative, most original.