

Is the nucleolus found in plant and animals cells?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The nucleolus if found in both animal and plant cells.

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Q: Is the nucleolus found in plant and animals cells?
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Related questions

Is a nucleolus found in a plant or animal cells?

It is found in both.

Is the nucleolus found in plant cells?

Yes, plant cells have nuclei.

Is a nucleolus in plant and animals cells?

They are in both. They are in every eukaryote

Is nucleolus found in both animal and plant cells?


Is a nucleolus found in an animal cell or in a plant cell?

good timing i am doing this in science class nucleolus is found in both plant and animal cells!

Is a nucleolus found in animal cells?

Yes it is as well as a plant cell

Are the nucleolus found in the animal cell or plant?

The nucleolus is found in animal cells because that is the small wall that protects the outside of the nucleus.

Are microtubules found in animal or plant cells?

They are found in animal cells inside the nucleus and right outside the nucleolus.

Do both animal and plant cells contain a nucleolus?

Yes, animal and plant cells have nucleolus because it copies DNA and it is the site of RNA synthesis. it is also responsible for helping to make ribosomes. Therefore both animal and plant cells have DNA and RNA, so both of them have nucleolus.

Is a nucleolus found in a animal cell or a plant cell?

both not in some bacteria cells

What organelles that animal cells have but plant cells dont?

nucleolus, centrosome and that's all i know! :-D

Do animal and plant cells both have a nucleolus?

Yes, both animal and plant cells have nucleolus in their nucleus.