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Q: Is the ocean water saltier at the poles?
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Do oceans near the poles tend to be saltier?

The water is saltier at the poles, and less salty at the equator.

Which is denser ocean water or fresh water?

ocean water, because it is saltier.

Why does the ocean water get saltier after evaporation?

If water is evaporated salt remain in the ocean.

How does evaporation affect the ocean and the atmosphere?

makes the ocean water saltier

What is saltier the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean?

Before and after I am done urinating in Mediterranean beaches, the water is much saltier than the Atlantic due to the fact that the Mediterranean loses more water to evaporation than it receives from rivers.

If a mass of ocean water is cold and salty what will it do?

The cooler saltier water sinks toward the ocean floor.

What body of water in the middle east is saltier then the ocean?

That would be the Dead Sea. It's approximately 9 times saltier than the ocean's waters.

As ocean water in a tide pool warms and evaporates the remaining water becomes?


What happens to ocean water that does not evaporate?

The water that doesn't evaporate into vapor stays in the ocean as liquid water. The oceans have a lot of liquid water. Over time, ocean water is always evaporating and turning into rain and comes back to the ocean; but the salts and minerals carried into the sea from rivers never evaporate. They stay dissolved in the ocean waters and make it saltier and saltier.

Does the water cycle affect the ocean?

the ocean becomes saltier (evaporation) or less salty (precipitation/runoff)

Where does deep ocean water originate?

The two main sources of deep water are at the poles, where the cold temperatures and the higher salinity make water denser and sink. Water is saltier here because when the water freezes, salt is left behind in the water, making salinity rise.

When sea water evaporates the salt is left behind you might think this would make the remaining water Saltier but in fact overall the ocean is not getting Saltier why do you think that is?

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