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There is an email circulating with this information and persons want to know the validity of it.

After much research the following answers are available. This particular piece of chain letter "fact" came from Brazil from accounts. Research from Snopes website(urban legends) says that Pastor Gladston Reis was responsible for this legend reaching the US. According to the email chain, this child had an impossible birth defect and died within hours of correcting the defect. To date, there are no pictures of this phoenomenon. While such a story might be possible, if one believes in the JudeoChristian God, one must consider how this same God used a child to deliver a message and then let the child die.

In my opinion, this is an urban legend.


I tried searching for this story also in the internet but I can't find anything written in English about Itaguai for starters. I just got this story in my inbox, supposedly a chain letter but still I am curious about the truthfullness of the story.


This is a nonsensical, made up, spam email that has been circulating on the internet for several months.

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Q: Is the story true that a child was born in Itaguai with a message on the two palm saying Jesus is coming soon?
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