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The word 'fright' is a noun; a word for the fear caused by sudden danger; a sudden terror; something that is strange, ugly, or shocking.

The word 'stick' is both a noun and a verb.

  • The noun stick is a word for a cut or broken branch or twig; a long slender piece of wood, metal, or other material (a candy stick); something prepared in a long and slender form (a stick of butter).
  • The verb stick is to stab with something pointed; to put or set in a specified place or position; to become fixed in place by or as if by gluing; to burden with something disagreeable; to remain in a place, situation, or environment.

The word 'hiking' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to hike. The present participle of the verb also functions as a gerund, a verbal noun, and an adjective. Examples:

  • verb: We are hiking up the trail to the summit.
  • noun: Hiking is my favorite weekend activity.
  • adjective: I have new hiking boots that I'm dying to try out.
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Q: Is the word Fright a noun verb adjective or adverb Is the word Stick a noun verb adjective or adverb Is the word Hiking a noun verb adjective or adverb?
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