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No, there is no known cure for Celiac Disease. There are however ongoing studies for different therapies. Some show some real promise but this may be three, five or ten years down the road. The ONLY treatment for this disease is to go on a strict Gluten Free diet. That means no wheat, barley, Rye or Oats (Oats are safe but only from a certified Gluten free manufacturer and only after having been on a gluten free diet for six months).

There is no cheating once on the diet.. to cheat even once a month would seriously setback ones healing of the small intestine.

Current research:

nexpep is supposed to start clinical trials of its vaccine therapy 2008.

albatherapeutics is almost into phase III of AT-1001, which will enable Celiacs to eat out without fear of cross contamination, but won't let you eat gluten like a slice of pizza. Studies are showing better results than anticipated and who knows, maybe it will allow someone to have a cheat day now an then? The premise is that Celiacs have leaky guts, by closing the leak the gluten peptide is unable to cause an autoimmune response which causes the damage to the small intestine.

alvinepharma is starting phase I this year on its EP-B2, which is a peptide prolease that is supposed to rapidly consume gluten peptide and like "Pac Man" break its acid chain down small enough that the body no longer recognizes the gluten as an enemy. Studies so far indicate that it too will only limit cross contamination issues, but it may do more? Testing will take at least five years.


There is other enzyme therapies being explored in Europe, particularly Holland. This holds greater promise as the enzyme is supposed to like hostile acid environments, its already being manufactured for industrial uses so its cheap to produce. This enzyme is so strong that the early reports are that no gluten remains after taking the treatment. So far its been tested in a lab and on some dogs... again, it will take years for anyone to get this fully tested.

There you have it.. other than research to show what else this horrible disease causes there seems to be little other interest by the medical community on a whole... no money in cures only in pills...

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12y ago

There is currently no cure for celiac disease, and its effects will be present your entire life. (It is a hereditary disease). It is called a disease, but is actually more of an intolerance. Eating gluten causes fissures in your intestines, due to your digestive systems intolerance to gluten. Consumption of gluten for long periods of time can irrepairably damage your digestive system (such as if you did not know about your disease during your childhood and continued to eat things with gluten.) If your system isn't damaged, one COULD potentially eat gluten every once in a while, but it is not recommended. If you do eat gluten for some reason, taking enzymes can help, although ideally you would take them BEFORE consuming gluten. Any amount of gluten will effect you the same way. For example, if a piece of bread touched your food, or if you ate an entire loaf of bread, the effects will be just the same.

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12y ago

No, it is permenant

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Can celiac disease be grown out of?

No, as of right now, there is no cure for Celiac Disease, and it is a life-long disease that can only be treated by eating gluten free.

How is the celiac disease treated?

There is no cure to celaic disease. It is permenant to your whole life.

Can you cure celiac disease?

No you cannot it isperminate for you whole in tire life

What is the name of the disease that is caused by an intolerance to gluten?

Celiac's Disease.

What is damaged is celiac disease?

If you have celiac disease then it will damage your small intestine.

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Of course!... Celiac Disease does not interfear with having a child. It just means that your child might have celiac disease.

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Celiac disease may also be called sprue, nontropical sprue, gluten sensitive enteropathy, celiac sprue, and adult celiac disease.

Are people still suffering from celiac disease today in 2011?

Yes, there has not been a cure discovered for Celiac yet. In fact, more and more people discover that they have Celiac every year. Approximately 1 in 133 people have it, but most aren't diagnosed.

How did celiac disease start?

I have celiac's disease. I was diagnosed july 16, 2010. I am not sure how i got it, all i know is that my mother carried the genes for celiac's disease. My father also gave blood and he found out he has celiac's disease too.

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advertisements DO NOT affect people with celiac disease!!

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Anything over an 8 is positive for Celiac Disease.

Is there a treatmemt for celiac disease?

Yes, the treatment for celiac disease is a gluten free diet. It is not a cure, but celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, where your body has an autoimmune reaction to gluten, so the only treatment that is presently available is avoiding gluten. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats (unless the oats are certified gluten free, oats don't actually contain gluten, but they are a rotated crop with wheat, so they are usually contaminated)