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well actually there is such a thing as a coldblooded human! it is very rare and has some advantages and disadvantages... how do i know?... I AM COLDBLOODED! my doc told me... and u cant become coldblooded! you have to be born with cold blood and the only way that can happen is if ur parents hav cold blood (if anyone has cold blood the main nationalities thet are found in is Germany, Poland, Russia, and Scotland... (I am German/Alaskan/Scottish) (*very small part of Alaskan im mostly scottish and German*)

Another Aryan idiot. There's no such thing as a cold blooded mammal. And the term has been discarded for more useful ones.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Only if the area were they are is cold. Cold-blooded means that they can't control their own body temperature so they usually rely on the sunshine for warmth and this is why they live in warm climates.

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12y ago

Certain bats and small birds are not completely warm blooded. Their body temperature drops while they sleep, allowing them to survive when they cannot keep eating enough to maintain their normal body temperature.

Also, certain fish are not completely cold blooded, since they can warm up certain parts of their body.

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11y ago

No they have the same blood as us, cold blooded is actually a misnomer. The proper term is ectothermic, meaning that the reptile receives its body heat from the surrounding environment. This is why they need to eat less often than mammals (endotherms). They do not need food to produce heat through metabolic processes like we do.

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11y ago

In terms of strict Biology, humans are all warm-blooded.

But if you're talking about tempers and moods, then yes, it's normal that some will have more even moods and tempers than others.

There are also small individual differences in both core and skin temperature between humans, so some may actually feel colder than other.

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15y ago

Biologically speaking - no. But people who don't get worked up easily are sometimes called cold blooded because it seems to fit their behaviour.

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14y ago

Yes, a cold-blooded animal can change its body temperature so it can be cold when inactive, to save energy.

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14y ago

absolutely NOT, besides, animals are NOT cold blooded they are warm blooded like humans. Only reptiles and fish are cold blooded.

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14y ago

Yes. When it's cold they're cold, when it's hot they usually lay in the sunlight to get hot.

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11y ago

A coldblooded animal relies on the solar energy captured by the environment so they do change there body temperature.

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