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Functionally there is no difference. Both are ~50% glucose and ~50% fructose (HFCS can vary between 92% fructose and 42% fructose, most HFCS used in food is between 42% and 55% fructose, the balance being glucose).

The following descriptions are by necessity simplified, but will serve to demonstrate the important aspects of the production of the two products.

Invert sugar is sucrose (a molecule of fructose bonded to a molecule of glucose) mixed with a bit of water and heated. The water and heat cause a splitting of the sucrose molecule called hydrolysis. Often catalysts are added to speed the splitting, acid being a common catalyst (lemon juice, cream of tartar, etc.). The resulting syrup is free glucose and fructose in a bit of water.

HFCS is made by taking corn starch (starch is a long chain of glucose molecules) and splitting it up into glucose. This is done by enzymes. The result from this is corn syrup, much like the corn syrup you can purchase in a supermarket. To turn the corn syrup into high fructose corn syrup it is mixed with a another enzyme which changes the glucose into fructose. The resulting syrup is usually 92% fructose. Fructose is much sweeter than glucose (~1.8 times as sweet). To make a syrup that resembles the sweetness of invert sugar the 92% (HFC92) HFCS is mixed with corn syrup to get a final percentage of fructose around 42%-55% (HFC42 and HFC55). All the enzymes used in the process are removed before the syrup is used in food.

While the two processes are different, it is obvious that the final product is virtually, and metabolically, identical.

Jonathan Davey

A.O.S. Culinary Arts, B.S. Food Science

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11y ago
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13y ago

Yes. Corn syrup is mainly glucose, which is not quite as sweet. It's treated with enzymes to convert some of the glucose into fructose (both of them have the same formula, they're just arranged a little differently) to make it sweeter.

There are different formulations of HFCS, depending on how much of the glucose is converted. Probably the most common ones are approximately half converted... which just happens to be about the same balance as in honey and in table sugar (in table sugar, the glucose and fructose are linked, so it's broken down in the body to an exact 50/50 mixture).

There's no ultimate difference as far as your body is concerned -- your own enzymes convert glucose to fructose internally as one of the steps in glycolysis anyway.

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14y ago

High fructose corn syrup is a liquid sweetener and is composed of roughly equal parts fructose and glucose. Crystalline fructose is a dry sweetener and is all fructose.

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14y ago

High Fructose Corn Syryp has undergone a process which converts the glucose sugar in the syrup to fructose sugar.

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Invert sugar is sucrose that has been split into its two component sugars - glucose and fructose. This website explains it very well. Look under "Liquid Sugar" at the end of the page:

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