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  • Maize is harvested at maturity, when its kernels are dry and can be stored or used as grain. Sweet corn is maize that's high in sugar. It's harvested before maturity and therefore doesn't handle storage well. It must be eaten immediately, as a vegetable. Or it must be processed for canning or freezing, before the kernels become inedibly starchy and tough.
  • corn in the English language means "the common grain" so if you asked a scotish farmer 'haw the corn growing?' his answer would refer to barly. in the US the corn is maize which is why it is a common mistake to thing one is the other. so in answer for your question if you are in the US then the corn is maize but anywhere else in the world it isn't. zaf.
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11y ago

A great video that covers the differences and has great descriptive pictures can be found in the related links. Otherwise the description below is fairly accurate...

Sweet corn may have up to two ears growing from one stalk, while field corn may have one, two, or even three ears per stalk.

Field corn grows very tall, very quickly and has big, broad leaves. Sweet corn grows much shorter and has thinner leaves that are more spread out on the stalks. The flower on sweet corn appears earlier in the season than "cow" corn.

Field corn isn't palatable to most of us used to sweet corn, it is mealy and has little sweetness. In many countries though, in for instance Central and South America, it is eaten like sweet corn and used in many dishes and preparations. It's primary use in the U.S. is for livestock feed, corn meal, and increasingly, ethanol.

Sweet corn has evolved greatly over the last 30 years. plant breeders have developed excellent new varieties of yellow, white, and bi-colored corn (often called butter and sugar which was actually the varietal name of one of the first bi-colored corns). The new SE or sugary enhanced corns retain their flavor longer than the old standard ones. Most local growers, at least in the northeast U.S. grow these varieties. Super sweet varieties hold even longer, enabling them to be shipped longer distances and sold in supermarkets, but they have a crunchy texture and less corn flavor. Purists will tell you that sweet corn should be eaten the day it is picked, but the new SEs allow it to hold for 2 or 3 days, especially if refrigerated. Sweet corn should be refrigerated as soon as possible after being picked to get out the "field heat" and kept that way to lessen the heat of respiration that all fruits and vegetables produce after harvest

The main difference between sweet corn and field corn is how early it is harvested. All corn kernels start out as "sweet", meaning the carbohydrates are mostly in the form of sugars. At this point, there is a lot of water in the kernels, so they are also tender and easy for humans to eat. As the plants mature and and the kernels dry, the sugar is converted to starches, and the kernel becomes too hard for humans to eat. At this point, it's called "field corn".

Now, there are some varieties of corn that have more sugar in the young kernels, and are thus "sweeter" than other varieties or corn, and therefore more likely to be planted for sweet corn. But if you leave the so-called "sweet corn" varieties in the field long enough, you're still going to get field corn. Likewise, there are corn varieties with attributes better suited for field corn. But if you harvest them early, they can be eaten by humans. They're not nearly as sweet as what you might get from a can, but they're edible. I grew up on that, in the southern US.

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12y ago

Hybrid sweet corn simply means that the seed came from the pollen of one variety which fell on the silks of another variety to make seeds which exhibit characteristics of both parents. Hybrids typically have larger stalks and ears (hybrid vigor) and can have a number of other beneficial charcateristics such as disease resistance. Most sweet corn grown today, both commercially and in home gardens is hybrid. Jubilee, Golden Bantam Cross, Siver Queen, and Honey 'n' Cream are examples of hybrid sweet corn.

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14y ago

Corn on the cob is sweet corn that is eaten directly off of the cob. If you have sweet corn, corn on the cob is a great way to eat it, either boiled for five to ten minutes (depending on desired level of doneness) or grilled. Sweet corn doesn't have to be eaten on the cob: it can also be cut off with a knife after cooking and then eaten or canned.

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12y ago

The phrase "hard corn" doesn't really descibe anything very well, since many different kinds of corn could be called "hard". But sweet corn is simply corn in which one or both of two genes, the sugary-1 and/or the shunken-2 gene are recessive.

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15y ago

There is no difference; maize was the term used for corn by Native Americans when the Europeans began coming to America and settling here.

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