

Is there a link between flu and schizophrenia?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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There is no link between flu and schizophrenia.

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Q: Is there a link between flu and schizophrenia?
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Though there is no strong proof about being any link between schizophrenia and sleep , still some people diagnosed with this condition do face difficulty in sleep. The fact that schizophrenia is caused due to stress (sometimes) may link this to sleeping pattern too.

What are the signs of schizophrenia?

Early schizophrenia signs will vary from person to person, with age playing a major role. There is no proven link between early schizophrenia signs and diet. A good website dedicated to schizophrenia will often have a medical professional who can advise on the early schizophrenia signs and discuss diet issues.

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It isnt a real word but it is what the girl in the attached link calls "the border between my world and yours" She is a little girl with schizophrenia.

What organizations are there to help families cope with schizophrenia?

Please see the link below.

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There is some link between schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Among schizophrenic patients, 7.8 to 26 percent of them (depending on the study) meet the criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, not enough research has been done on this for us to know why the rate is so high.

Where can you find Swine Flu information in Hindi?

A link is provided in the related link section below to a web page with information about A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu that is written in the Hindi language.

What is the relationship between hallucinogen use and schizophrenia?

Hallucinogenic drugs mimic schizophrenia, and it believed that prolonged use of some of them may cause continuing symptoms.

Is there a relation between schizophrenia bulimia and depression?

no, all separate disorders.

What is the percentage of Americans who suffer with Schizophrenia?

From what I've researched, between 2.2 and 2.7 million Americans suffer from Schizophrenia. About 1% of the total population.

Do schizophrenics have no self control?

Sometimes they do. It depends on the person. Additionally, schizophrenia is often episodic. In between episodes a person with schizophrenia may seem relatively normal.

What is camel flu?

A fake disease made up as a spoof. There is no real camel flu. See the related question and link below for more.