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Q: Is there a paragraph about why nelson Mandela was put into jail?
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What happened to nelson Mandela?

He was put into jail.

What did Nelson Mandela did that he is so famous?

He was put in jail

Why was nelson Mandela put out of jail?

Hey guys how are ya?

Why did Nelson Mandela get put in jail?

he was put in jail because he was put in jail but it shouldn't of happened because he stood for his rights and he was like an leader.

Why was nelson Mandela put n jail short answers?

he broke the law

Who was Nelson Mandela married to when he was in jail?

Check what year he was put in jail and count until the year he was released.

What is so unique about Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was an activist against the apartheid in South America. He was put in jail for 27 years for encouraging other colored people to fight against the apartheid.

What year was Nelson Mandela put in jail?

Nelson Mandela began serving his prison sentence on November 7, 1962. In total, he served 27 years in prison. Nelson Mandela was the President of South Africa from May 10, 1994 to June 14, 1999.

Why should Nelson Mandela be remembered?

Nelson Mandela is known for ending apartheid. He was also known for being a South African activist, who was put in jail for 27 years.

Why was Nelson Mandela held prisoner?

the government there at the time did not like what he had to say so they put him in jail so he could not tell people.

What did Nelson Mandela look like?

Put Nelson Mandela's name into Google Search and you will see plenty of pictures of him.

What did Nelson Mandela acually do to get life in prison?

Nelson Mandela was put in jail as white members of some governments thought that it was wrong for him to be violent as he had tried other options and they didn't work. So...technically he was put in jail for fighing for his rights, and for others to stop being politically racist which he then did try to get equal rights for black and white people.