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When I was 27 weeks I had period like cramps. I went to the doctor and she told me that I had a bacterial infection that had gotten so bad, it was irritating the uterus and giving me contraction-like pains. Go see your doctor because a little antibiotics can clear things up. You should see your doctor as you may be at risk of a pre-term labor.

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Q: Is there any significance to period pain like cramps at 29 weeks pregnant?
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im 3 weeks pregnant right now, and my cramps just feel like period cramps.

What does is mean if you have cramps for a few weeks?

You may be pregnant, getting your period, or really working your mussels.

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U may be pregnant, when I became pregnant with my first child I had cramps for two whole weeks before I knew I was pregnant..the whole time I just thought my period was coming and when it didn't I went to the dr n they confirmed my pregnancy I was 5 weeks.

At 4-5 weeks pregnant is brown spotting and period like cramps normal?

If it is a boy, yes. If it is a boy, yes.

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Sorry, i can't answer your question but i am 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow and i am experiencing the same thing. Feels like period cramps but not as bad and wind cramps when you have upset stomach. I keep worrying that i am going to see blood but from searching online about it seems it is quite normal!

Do you get minor cramps in your first week of pregnancy?

well actually when you ovulate you are considered 2 weeks pregnant already (based on the regular period cycle of 28 days). So week one you are on your period which is normal to have cramps. Pregnancy cramps dont come tell atleast 3 plus weeks in pregnancy.

Why are you having cramps weeks before your period?

This is normal. Women usually get cramps during ovulation and ovulation occurs a few weeks before your period

If you get cramps for weeks after your period is that normal?

I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this question, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.

What do you do if you have mild period like cramps and am 37 weeks pregnant?

I'm not a doctor, but when I was pregnant I went through the same thing right around the same time. Those cramps are actually contractions. That's your bodies way of preparing for the birth.

I have taken 3 tests all negative and I'm 4 weeks late on my period and have cramps in my sides?

Either your asking will you still get cramps or are you pregnant the answer will still be yes.Because you will always get cramps except when your pregnant you'll get contractions which are kinda similar....................... and you probably had an abnormal period meaning you just didn't show and that means you will still cramp which mean you'll cramp regardless pregnant or period.

Cramps when gettingup quickly 8 weeks pregnant?

perfectly normal