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Yes, because most people will take after their parents no mater how bad they don't want to but persist yes they will

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Q: Is there any statistics that a person who's been abused will abuse?
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How can you tell if someone has been abused?

If you meet an abused person in the street, there are seldom any obvoius signs of the abuse. Mental attitude to general friendships and to sex may give a clue.

Did Kate abuse Jon?

Both claim to have been abused by the other.

Is it wrong to love the person who sexually abused you?

Yes it is wrong, sexual abuse will follow you the rest of your life. The abuser has saddled you with something that will affect your relationships and you ability to trust. There are a lot of good people in the world to care for, you do not need any contact with somebody that would abuse you. If you have been sexually abused seek help.

How many animals are abuse in 2009?

About 1,000 Anmials like cats and dogs there have been alot abused.

Have people that abuse animals been abused in their past?

It has been noted that animal abusers often come frome abusive backgrounds

What happens to people whose emotional abuse at home was never acknowledged by counselors family etc?

Victims are abused twice: Once when they suffer the actual abuse And once when they are not validated, when the experience of having been abused is denied by the abuser and by society at large.

Is it normal for someone who has been abused to be obsessively reading books on abusive men or looking at abuse websites trying to find that one thing that will put the abuser in his place?

It might be necessary to get the person in for therapy. If nothing else, the therapist might be able to get the abused person to leave the abusive relationship and be a little less obsessive.

If someone is always reading books on Abuse and has approx 30 articles on Abuse Are they somewhat fanatical about Abuses This person labels any disagreement where raising a voice as Abusive?

I think anyone who reads that much about it is a or has been a victim of abuse and is very sensitive to loud voices. While I don't necessarily consider yelling or raising your voice abusive,the choice of words may be to that person. Ask your friend what he/she has been through and try to just be a friend. This sounds like a person who has been abused. Just try to be an understanding friend.

Can you be born abusive?

no not usually but if they have been abused themselves they can grow up to think that it is right because it happened to them and therefore they abuse others.

Why does child abuse start?

it starts when a child becomes anoyingly agravating to its fathet or nmother who in most cases have been abused by their parents

How can you protect yourself against abuse?

Abuse is a terrible thing. One thing we can all do is run for help. Call 911, if a gun is threatened or he/she has one, wait till they leave the house. Run to the nearest police station, and show them the evidence.

How many child are abused a day?

SUM KIDZ GET ABUSED BY GETIIN BASHED BY THEIR PARENTZ OR MAD PPL BUT MOSTLY THEIR FATHER BCAUSE THEIR DA MAD ONEZ WHO DO DAAT I'm not sure exactly whom wrote that, and I cannot offer the statistics, but for the most part it's actually impossible to find that statistic. We don't know everyone whom has been abused, we cab specualate. But as displayed in several cases, social services often doesn't find out about abuse, fails to stop and report abuse, or cannot find proof, and sometimes the abuse is never reported. But I suggest if you trully need to know, for an essay, or something, but I suggest you ask social services what their stat. is.