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All men are different and some can even grow facial hair as early as 13 years old. Most young men your age have "fuzz", so I wouldn't get too concerned about it. Avoid shaving if you are trying to grow a beard as shaving DOES NOT increase facial hair growth.

Take a look around at the male relatives in your family (father, brothers, male cousins) and see how much facial hair they have. If some of your relatives have hardly any hair on their face and the other half have normal to thick facial hair growth than you are probably somewhere in the middle. You will probably end up with enough hair to grow a beard or mustache.

My husband can grow some hair on his face, but not everywhere and he just can't grow a beard (he's in his 50s) but can grow a mustache without any problem.

Believe it or some women don't care that much for facial hair on a man. Some complain that it's too rough and itchy. However, I suggest you ignore these women if you truly want to grow a beard. There are plenty of women who love facial hair on men.

However, having too much facial hair can also be a real hassle to maintain. This is one of the main reasons why some men have chosen to shave.

Don't worry so much about your facial hair and before you know it you'll be complaining you need to shave too often.

The product listed under the related links, along with some similar competitors, will help to feed your follicles. It's used for people with alopecia, and works wonders. Using this along with a followup product (also made by Enjoy) will thicken the hairs wherever you put it.

Also, taking testosterone booster will help you to grow a thicker beard.

Please refer to the related link for more information.

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Q: How can i grow my facial hair quicker I'm 17?
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Are there any tricks to get facial hair to grow faster?

No, much of it depends on your genes. For example, people of Pakistani descent- with dark hair & skin- often grow beards faster (maybe as early as age 12) than people of Polish descent (who may be as late as age 17)- with light hair & skin. Besides, there is no rush to speed up facial hair growth since shaving just ends up being another problem. If you are concerned about short term growth, shaving will not make it grow faster, but the hair will be coarser and more even.

What age is to late to grow a beard?

you'll generally start to see facial hair a couple of years after pubic hair starts to grow. Facial hair is "beard" from the start, but you may not have enough to grow "a beard" for a couple of years after facial hair starts to grow. Needing to shave at 14 or 15 is pretty common, but having enough hair look like an intentional beard is usually a couple of years after you start to need to shave. Not many men can grow a full-face beard at 15, but most--definitely not all-- can by 18 or 19. It's also pretty common for full-face beard to not be possible till early 20's.

You are 16 you'll be 17 in 3 months and you really don't have much facial hair what age do guys start shaving and how can you help grow it?

It all depends on your genetics. Guys get facial hair and start shaving at different ages. I am 18 and have had to shave daily for over a year now and it is just annoying. I personally think that you shouldn't worry and be happy you don't have very much facial hair.

You're 17 why isn't you facial hair growing?

It's different for all. Some have heavy growth and others try a whole life to grow a thick beard without success. You are only 17, wait until you are older.

Is it normal to be 17 and have hair all over your legs and your face is full of hair?

If you are a boy then yes its normal to have facial hair and body hair. If you are a girl then hair on your legs is normal but not all over your face. The facial hair may indicate a hormonal problem and needs to be checked out by a doctor.

When you first start to grow facial hair why does the hair come one at a time?

"Facial hair in males normally appears in a specific order during puberty: The first facial hair to appear tends to grow at the corners of the upper lip, typically between 14 to 16 years of age. It then spreads to form a moustache over the entire upper lip. This is followed by the appearance of hair on the upper part of the cheeks, and the area under the lower lip. The hair eventually spreads to the sides and lower border of the chin, and the rest of the lower face to form a full beard. As with most human biological processes, this specific order may vary among some individuals. Facial hair is often present in late adolescence, around ages 17 and 18, but may not appear until significantly later. Some men do not develop full facial hair for 10 years after puberty. Facial hair will continue to get coarser, darker and thicker for another 2-4 years after puberty." Direct quote from: Puberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

You are 17 years old n no hair grows on your face.wht to do.?

There's nothing wrong, in fact I believe you are really lucky! Plus, women love men without facial hair.

When do boys start growing facial hair?

There isn't a set age for growing facial hair. A woman can notice changes after having kids, or after a major hormonal change like menopause. This link may be helpful in understanding it: What do you mean?Male Teenagers?Puberty..usually in high school..

How old are boys when they get armpit hair?

This must be irritating to hear again, but it all depends. Usually males start pubic growth around 11-14, with exceptions. Facial hair usually grows around 13-16, and armpit hair at around 14 to as late as 17 or 18. Its all in your genes, so there isn't anything you can do about making it grow faster or slower.

What is the latest men go through puberty?

Puberty in men is when first your voice deepens and you grow pubic hair and armpit hair then you might get more pimples and your testes drop and last your shoulders widen and your muscle mass increases.

What does peach fuzz feel like?

Peach fuzz is women's facial hair or the beginning of a teenage boy's mustache(around age 17) on the upper lip.

How do you get rid of facial hair without it growing darker?

NO removal methods (such as shaving, waxing, plucking, laser removal, threading, or using depilatory creams) will EVER cause subsequent hair growth to be darker, unless the preceding hair was bleached artificially or by extended sun exposure. To lighten hair, commercial hair peroxides, lemon juice, sun exposure, and certain prescription medications such as Vanica may be used, though not necessarily without side-effects.