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I know you can buy fake Birds of Prey from hardware or farm supply shops that will keep all sorts of birds least that is the theory and it can be successful. There are companies that professionally do this sort of work with live birds, but it wouldn't be a cheap option. Apparently it is done at Windsor Castle to deal with the pigeon problem there.

Most places that sell gargen supplies, sell a plastic owl. Place this near anyplace where you have bird problems and they are too busy trying to chase away the owl, they ignore your garden.

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Q: Is there anything for the garden like what is seen on TV to keep pigeons and birds away by putting a Peregrine Falcon on the roof?
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What do the peregrines eat?

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about two pigeons/ducks or whatever in the environment related to that.

Does a peregrine falcon eats a pigeon?

Those falcons do attack pigeons and some times they get the prey and eat it.

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The peregrine falcon lives in Florida but is endangerd. The peregrine falcon became endangerd in 1970. The peregrine falcon lives in Florida but is endangerd. The peregrine falcon became endangerd in 1970.

What is a peregrine falcon?

A peregrine falcon is a large species of blueish-gray falcon.

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The peregrine falcon feeds on birds like pigeons, grouse, pheasants and waterfowl. Especially fond of ducks, hence the old name, "duck hawk".

Where can you get printouts about the peregrine falcon?

on google type in peregrine falcon

What is special about a Peregrine Falcon?

the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird.

Is there a paragon falcon or is it peregrine falcon?

it is peregrine falcon Paragon is a misspelling or alternate name.

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I'm not sure what it's favourite foods are, but it mainly feeds on pigeons, doves, waterfowl, songbirds, and waders

What birds can falconers have?

Falconers (or hawkers) can have anything from the Peregrine Falcon to the Golden Eagle.