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The anti-ghost symbol (looks like the greek symbol gamma).

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Q: Is there anything that will repel a ghost?
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Can anything other than a repel repel Pokemon?

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Not really. The zodiac sign simply is a manner of analyzing one's characteristics and potentials.

What have ghosts in them?

Anything can have a ghost in them.

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They possess negative charges and in the universe anything having same charge would repel eachother.

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Another electron. Or anything else that has a negative charge.

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Ghost could target anyone so there isn't anything wrong with ghost targeting people who are homosexual.

What would a ghost want from you?

Possibly anything really.

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They don't eat anything

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Why would you ever want to repel a dog?! If anything, help it find it's owner.

What do you hear from a ghost?

You don't really hear anything specific from a ghost - it may be a whisper, or a loud, disgruntled sound.

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Ghost. Anything that is dim, pale, shadowy is like this...

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