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Not really, but consider this; almost every civilization on earth, the Chinese the Norse the Europeans even native Americans came up with the same idea, a flying lizard that sometimes breathes fire. Most of them didn't even know the others existed at that time, so how did they come up with that idea. Oh and they found a baby dragon preserved in a jar, just saying.

Zoologists believe that there were prehistoric dragons called Pterosaurs

Also, I saw something on Animal Planet one time and there were these scientists who went into this frozen cave, brought it back to the lab and thawed it out. It was thought to be a dragon, but hey, who knows??

they Baby dragon they thawed was actullay a doco on a what if they had created

the segment is called Dargons, a fantasy made real

Yes. I have two dragon footprints at my grandpa's house, both European and in cement. He lives in England.

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12y ago

No. No evidence of dragons existing in the real world or ever existing can be found even in the fossils records.

However, dragons do have an indisputable existence in the world of art, literature and religion and hence exist in the minds of men.

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Dragons, as depicted in fairy tales, have never existed.

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Dragons (that can fly and breath fire) are not real and have never existed.

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Dragons, as depicted in fables, have never existed. They are fantasy creatures.

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There is no evidence that dragons ever existed in reality, so no.

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Dragons have never existed on this planet, thay are a myth. Unless you are counting Komodo dragons which are a species of lizard.

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because they were stupid

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they would kill u

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