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Hinduism - The religion of humans, and the mentality of god. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, compared to the new modern religions like as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam which originated just a couple thousand years ago. The way these religions came into play is from nomadic tribes which roamed the free land and tried to conquer and spread their views. This is also a reason why some of these religions have clashes because of the events they experienced and participated in their past. The difference in views that Hindus have with these other religions is that everything is done with free will rather than being forced to follow laws and regulations like stated in the books of these religions. Also Hinduism can is not for the stupid, negative, or the weak hearted since Hinduism is not read in a holy book, it is a way of life which is experienced and implanted into a persons heart, body, and mind with time and dedication to do the right thing, without having to think about the consequences of getting caught doing the wrong. This religion also does not promise earthly pleasures after death like for example: The virgins in Islam, and heaven and hell in Christianity. The goal of this is to reach eternal bliss so when pass we are as pure as the day we were conceived so our soul can merge with the all mighty and take shelter in his heart until the next destination. Yes there is proof that everything written in the vedas is getting confirmed, they have found the city of Lord Krisha and the location of the war of marbartha which was written to on excess of 3000 years before Christ. They have also found information on the Bridge Lord Rama made to rescue his wife on the edge of Lanka and you can research that as well " RamaSetu Bridge" it was written 4 thousand years ago. i can tell you alot more but i dont think you need to hear it from me but rather experience it your self. Thanks Tushar Sharma

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Ram setu (Adam's Bridge), they actually discovered that. It's mentioned in the Ramayana as being built by Hanuman and others.

Also, Hindus believe in reincarnation and although that hasn't been scientifically proved, there have been numerous cases where little children have been able to trace back to past lives.

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