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there is no difference between a thick glass bong and a thin glass bong except i guess the thing breakes easier

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Q: Is thick glass good for a bong or not?
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Related questions

Is the hurricane bong made of the same glass as the tsunami bong?

The Hurricane is made of high-quality stress-free glass but is much more expensive. The Tsunami is made of German shott glass, which according to the Tsunami pamphlets is 'unbreakable' When compared to the hurricane the tsunami glass is superior.

What is a glass on glass bong?

Its wear there is no rubber gromet for the stem and bowl, with a glass-on-glass setup the bowl and stem are 'frosted' and fit together withour a rubber seal

What gets you higher a bong or a waterfall bong?

Absolutely, without a doubt, a waterfall bong will get you higher. waterfall bongs are str8 THC and get you messed up fast. A good WFB can be hit 4-6 times after lighting and spending the bowl. While the the normal bong hits smoother. The water the smoke passes through filters out about 25 percent of the THC content. a small waterfall bong (I.e. 1 liter gets you higher than large bong)

How thick is 10 mm glass?

It is 10 mm thick.

How do you take big bong rips?

take a good breath and you will see the bong get white or yellow . :D

How thick is the glass in SeaWorld?

It varies from 2-75 inches thick.

Is a glass a structure?

It is a thick liquid.

What does a bong look like?

generally a bong is a long thick pipe, with a big ball like bottom, which has your bowl (where the weed goes). sometimes a bong will come with a choke, and sometimes tho bowl will come out so you can clear it. however there are many different bongs, you will see this type the most.

Which company has tagline as bong bong bong bong bong?


Which companys catchline is bong bong bong bong bong?


Why do soft drink bottles have thick glass?

because of the pressure inside the soft drinks, and to prevent that from pressurizing on the glass people use thick glass so when the soft drink starts fizzing it will not put a lot of pressure because the glass is thick or heavy and wont break or crack.

How unhealthy is it to smoke a bong with liquor in it and then drink the bong liquor?

That depends on how good your Health Insurance is. But, yes, you will get very sick.