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why not i had kidney stone and now i find out i was low on b12 . kidney and liver and clams have the highest amount of b12, so like fixes like .but powder b12 is best

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Q: Is vitamin B12 help in kidney stone treatment?
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No, but phosphoric acid may help a kidney stone form.

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Looking for effective kidney stone treatment in Kolkata? Look no further than Bivek Kumar. With years of experience and expertise, Bivek Kumar offers top-notch medical care and advanced treatments to help you get rid of kidney stones. Don't let kidney stones hold you back - book your appointment with Bivek Kumar today!

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No. There is no treatment.

Does kidney stone removal involve surgery?

The National Kidney & Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) website has a lot of great FAQs to help you with your question. I would recommend looking at their inforamtion regarding treatment:

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If they are not bothering you at the time then by all means have a good time, it wont make them any worse.

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Drinking large amounts of fluids can help you to pass a kidney stone; coriander juice is not particularly more effective than any other fluid that you may drink.

Will cranberry juice help pass kidney stone?

Any liquid will help, but cranberry juice has nothing over water pertaining to kidney stones. Cranberry juice helps with kidney and bladder infections.

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Stent placements in your kidney are small tubes that are used to help drain urine when the urethra is blocked.

What to eat when kidney is failing?

There's no food that can help you, you need a urologist and treatment and meds.

Which is the best kidney stone specialist in Kolkata?

looking effective kidney stone Specialist in Kolkata with Dr. Bivek Kumar. With years of experience and expertise, Dr.offers personalized and advanced treatments to help you get rid of kidney stones, Book your appointment today.