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It depends on what causes it to curdle, I'd think.

Curdling occurs when the proteins in the milk contract in respond to acid or heat. This is no different from watching the white of an egg turn hard and opaque when it fries. (Enzymes can also cause curdling...rennin is a good example, used to make cheeses with little/no sour taste)

I would suppose that the more acidic the yogurt, the more likely it is to curdle. Home made yogurts become more acidic the longer they are processed at that 100F to 120F temp. If making home made, heating the milk too high will also cause curdling.

The "sour" of yogurt is lactic acid formed by the bacteria. The acidic environment prevents allot of the "bad" bacteria and molds from growing. Yogurt has a characteristic "sour" odor (open a pint of plain yogurt and take a whiff).

From my very limited experience with yogurt and beer making the rule of thumb I've heard is; if it smells horrible, it probably is horrible: it's bad. "Sulfury", "rotten egg" or "roadkill in the summer" horrible...not just like sour milk (because yogurt is soured milk)

Homemade may be a little more sour smelling, but if the odor coming off it can curl your toes, and/or if there is evidence of gas bubbles and/or colorful or black molds...dump it. (Yogurt can get a white mold on top...this is OK, I've been told. Just scrape it off.)

The rule that tops them all, with regard to food spoilage is :"when in doubt, throw it out."

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Q: Is yogurt still good to eat if it curdles?
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40% of calcium. Don't eat chicken, banana, or egg. EAT YOGURT! But, eat more yogurt to get more calcium. You can still eat chicken, banana, or egg. This is just my opinion, it's your choice.

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No, but double check it before you eat it.

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Yogurt can be very healthy. The only way yogurt could be unhealthy would be yogurt full of sugar and fake coloring. Most yogurt that is just plain is very healthy.

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No, do not eat activia yogurt while pregnant. Just eat the other kind of yogurt.

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yogurt is very healthy for pregnant womenYes you can.

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You are not suppose to eat yogurt when have cough

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The best yogurt for a yogurt diet is a plain vanilla yogurt, with frozen fruit mixed in, such as strawberries or blueberries, among others. Another option would be to go with a plain Greek yogurt, but fruit-flavored yogurt, such as strawberry or blueberry, is a good idea, too. Greek yogurt is considered to be a good diet food.

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if they can eat out of a trash can their whole life, they can eat vanilla yogurt.

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It needs to be 'live' yoghurt with natural cultures.

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As often as you feed it to them. They don't eat yogurt in the wild.