

Law of supply

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The law of supply is the tendency of suppliers to offer more of a good at a higher price. There is direct relationship between the price of a commodity and its quantity offered for sale over a specified period of time. When the price of a goods rises, other things remaining the same, its quantity which is offered for sale increases as and price falls, the amount available for sale decreases. This relationship between price and the quantities which suppliers are prepared to offer for sale is called the law of supply.

Formula for Law of Supply:

QxS = Φ (Px Tech, Si, Fn, X,........)

Qxs = Quantity supplied of commodity x by the producers.

Φ = Function

Px = Price of commodity x.

Tech = Technology.

S = Supplies of inputs.

Fn = Features of nature.

X = Taxes/Subsidies.

Where Tech, Si, Fn and X are constant

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According to the law of supply and demand when supply increases, prices will decrease.

Where can one find information regarding the law of supply?

The law of supply is a fundamental principle of economic theory. One can find information about the law of supply on various websites like Wikipedia and Investopedia. These sites provide a lot of information regarding the law of supply.

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Law of supply: If demand is held constant, an increase in supply leads to a decreased price, while a decrease in supply leads etc

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law of supply

Why does law of demand and law of supply conflict with each other?

It's the law of supply and demand, as described by Adam Smith in his book "The Wealth Of Nations". Just one law, no conflict.

What is the price effect according to the law of supply?

The law of supply says; The supply will be increase due to increase in price and vice versa. The reason is that the seller will maximize his profit.

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The law of supply predicts the supply curve will be upward sloping.