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Plessy vs Ferguson, 1896, was the Supreme Court decision which hadthe effect of creating Separate but Equal, the term which cam to beused for all sorts of things (drinking fountains, bathrooms, public transportationseparations, all sorts of separate facilities for blacks and whites, including schoolsas well). It was in effect until brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansasallowed blacks into the school system (1954) though even that was Tobe put in place "with all deliberate speed" which allowed many jurisdictions todrag their feet and in the south resulted in hundreds of private schools being established for whites only.

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Laws were passed by the legislature restricting the activities of African Americans. These laws were called Black Code laws and negatively impacted blacks.

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jim crow laws

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Q: What was the name given to the laws passed by suothern states to limit the rights of african-americans?
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