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Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (معمر القذافي‎) "Mu'ammar al-Qaḏḏāfī"

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Q: Libyan leader who overthrew the established monarchy in 1969 strongly supporting the Arab nations in the middle east that opposed israel?
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Who Were people who strongly supported the monarchy and opposed any democracy?

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Jackson strongly believed in the kind of republic that was established by the US Constitution.1.that is correct

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He believed in a Democratic Republic. Jackson believed in the kind of democratic republic that was established by the US Constitution. However, he did favor some changes, one of which was to choose the electors for president by direct popular vote.

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No. Ante Stracevic was a Croatian politican from XIX. century. He was imprisoned by Austro-Hungarian empire for his liberal and democratic ideas. He strongly opposed monarchy.

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NovaNet: It balanced monarchy with republicanism

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Answer this question… When the world saw the atrocities that had been committed on the Jewish people during the Holocaust, many states began strongly supporting creating a Jewish state in Palestine.

How did the Holocaust contribute to ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict?

Answer this question… When the world saw the atrocities that had been committed on the Jewish people during the Holocaust, many states began strongly supporting creating a Jewish state in Palestine.