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Title, Legend, Scale, North Arrow and Symbols and proper coloring<3

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Q: List 5 map features you would expect to see on a map?
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What geologic features would you expect to find on the ocean floor near the volcano and earthquake areas on your map?

oceanic trenches

What types of features would you expect to see on a political map?

The only 'features' on a political map would be borders / boundaries whether this be on a worldwide scale or local scale. On the worldwide scale it would show countries borders and on the local scale it may show hamlet / village / town / city boundaries.

What kind of map would you use for landforms and water features?

physical map

What map shows the physical features of the earth?

That would be a topographic map. Cool huh?

What map shows physical features?

A physical map is a map that shows physical features such as mountains and rivers

Marks on a map that stand for real places or real features on a map?

marks on a map that stand for real places or real features on a map

Is a map better or a globe?

All valid globes are accurate, so it depends on who made the map! If you mean detailed, then it depends on what map you are reffering to. A world map should be just as detailed as a globe.

Which type of map shows landscape features?

A topographical map, or "topo" map, shows landscape features such as ground elevations and waterways.dhdjdjjj

What type of map would you use to find the human-made features and boundaries?

the atlas

What are the features of a map?

The features of a map include direction , scale , colour , symbol , and key or legend

What is a map that shows the features on earth that people have created?

A map that shows human made features is sometimes a road map and can be shown on a political map too.

What map features of a map will you find a absolute locations?

The features on a map help you find absolute location by finding the absolute lOcation