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1 Hydrogen 1

2 Helium 0

3 Lithium 1

4 Beryllium 2

5 Boron 3

6 Carbon 2, 4

7 Nitrogen 3, 5

8 Oxygen 2

9 Fluorine 1

10 Neon 0

11 Sodium 1

12 Magnesium 2

13 Aluminium 3

14 Silicon 4

15 Phosphorus 3, 5

16 Sulfur 2, 4, 6

17 Chlorine 1, 3, 5, 7

18 Argon 0

19 Potassium 1

20 Calcium 3, 5

21 Scandium 3

22 Titanium 3, 4

23 Vanadium 2, 3, 4, 5

24 Chromium 2, 3, 6

25 Manganese 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

26 Iron 2, 3

27 Cobalt 2, 3

28 Nickel 2, 3

29 Copper 1, 2

30 Zinc 2

31 Gallium 2, 3

32 Germanium 4

33 Arsenic 3, 5

34 Selenium 2, 4, 6

35 Bromine 1, 3, 5, 7

36 Krypton 0

37 Rubidium 1

38 Strontium 2

39 Yttrium 3

40 Zirconium 4

41 Niobium 3, 5

42 Molybdenum 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

43 Technetium 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

44 Ruthenium 3, 4, 6, 8

45 Rhodium 3, 4

46 Palladium 2, 4

47 Silver 1

48 Cadmium 2

49 Indium 1, 3

50 Tin 2, 4

51 Antimony 3, 5

52 Tellurium 2, 4, 6

53 Iodine 1, 3, 5, 7

54 Xenon 0

55 Caesium 1

56 Barium 2

57 Lanthanum 3

58 Cerium 3, 4

59 Praseodymium 3

60 Neodymium 3

61 Promethium 3

62 Samarium 2, 3

63 Europium 2, 3

64 Gadolinium 3

65 Terbium 3

66 Dysprosium 3

67 Holmium 3

68 Erbium 3

69 Thulium 2, 3

70 Ytterbium 2, 3

71 Lutetium 3

72 Hafnium 4

73 Tantalum 3, 5

74 Tungsten 2, 4, 5, 6

75 Rhenium 1, 4, 7

76 Osmium 2, 3, 4, 6, 8

77 Iridium 3, 4

78 Platinum 2, 4

79 Gold 1, 3

80 Mercury 1, 2

81 Thallium 1, 3

82 Lead 2, 4

83 Bismuth 3, 5

84 Polonium 2, 3, 4

85 Astatine 1, 3, 5, 7

86 Radon 0

87 Francium 1

88 Radium 2

89 Actinium 3

90 Thorium 4

91 Protactinium 4, 5

92 Uranium 3, 4, 5, 6

93 Neptunium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

94 Plutonium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

95 Americium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

96 Curium 2, 3, 4

97 Berkelium 2, 3, 4

98 Californium 2, 3, 4

99 Einsteinium 2, 3

100 Fermium 2, 3

101 Mendelevium 2, 3

102 Nobelium 2, 3

103 Lawrencium 3

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