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Wrong? Not necessarily. Weird? Yes. Ask yourself, why does she like to sit on your lap?

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Q: My aunt likes to sit on my lap is it wrong?
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What is wrong if a sister sit on her brother's lap and why some people look down upon it but same people don't mind if adult daughter sit in father's lap then what's wrong sitting in brother's lap?

Nothing is wrong with sitting on your brothers lap.. Its just like sitting in your fathers lap

What does it mean when a guys lets a girl sit on his lap?

It means he is attracted to her and likes her enough to let her sit on his lap and he could be horny for a lap dace or some making out time

Is it normal for adult woman sit on boys's lap when no place to sit?

NO that is just wrong!

Is it wrong for a mom to hold her ten year old son on her lap?

No, it's not wrong to hold your 10 yr old son on your lap. IF he wants to sit on your lap, let him.

How do you make a kitten go to sleep in your lap?

If you love the kitten enough then it might sit on your lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes. Just love you kitten it will get use to you sometime. I have a cat who doesn't want to sit on my lap he sits on one person lap. It's all a matter of likes and dislikes.

Is it wrong to sit on your cousins lap at the movies?

Your looking for trouble girly!!

Can your sister sit in your lap?

Your sister can sit ON your lap not IN your lap.

What does it mean when a guy tells a girl to sit on his lap?

Snuggle with him. If he accepts that, move into his lap. If he is sitting, you can smile at him and sit on his lap. If you want to play it safe, then ask him while smiling.

Does it make you look like a skank if you sit on a guys lap but he is only a friend?

No, it doesn't. So what if you want to sit on his lap? It's not like you were going to make out with him, but if you know someone likes that guy then don't do it. I'm not sure if it does make you look like a skank but its highly unlikely.

Where can anyone but you sit?

your lap

Can i sit on your lap?

no you can't

How do you get to sit on santakinz lap in the clubhouse on webkinz?

you don't really get to sit on his lap, but after you visit hi, you will be sent a picture of your webkinz on his lap. But you can't see yourself sitting there in the clubhouse.